Bohemian Chic – Decorating with Texture & Pattern

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Hello again! I’m Dawn from back this month with another mood-board for your decoration inspiration. If you’ve missed any of my previous inspiration posts here on Remodelaholic, you can always check those out here.

Last month, I ventured out of my all-daughter comfort zone to create an inspiration board for a campy little boy’s room. This time around, I thought it would be fun to venture into another as-yet unfamiliar bedroom zone– a teenage girl’s room. I’ve had my share of designing rooms for little girls, like the one I created for my oldest daughter, and the moodboard (room currently still in progress) I’ve been working off of for my newborn’s nursery:

Designing Dawn girl room Designing Dawn girl room

But a teenage room is new territory. I’m thinking something fun and bright, but a tad more grown up with more sophisticated finishes. Now that it’s officially fall, I’ve been so inspired by the warm colors, textures and patterns of eclectic bohemian style, and I thought it would be fun to create a space with a fun, collected feel to it. Check out some of my inspiration photos below:

Bohemian Chic: decorating with texture and pattern @Remodelaholic
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Bohemian Chic: decorating with texture and pattern @Remodelaholic
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Bohemian Chic: decorating with texture and pattern @Remodelaholic
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Bohemian Chic: decorating with texture and pattern @Remodelaholic
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Bohemian Chic: decorating with texture and pattern @Remodelaholic
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Bohemian Chic: decorating with texture and pattern @Remodelaholic
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So with all these beautiful images floating around in my mind, I set out to create my own mood board for a bohemian chic girl’s room that incorporates texture and pattern for a beautiful, collected feeling. Here’s what I came up with:

Bohemian Chic / Designing Dawn -- Decorating with texture and pattern on

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See sources for the mood board and similar items below.

How to Decorate in Bohemian Chic Style

Bohemian style can be a little tricky in my opinion. The key is to make the space look like it was collected over time, with rich textures and patterns that showcase a free-spirited lifestyle. However, that can easily turn into a room with a bunch of mismatched junk that looks like a hodgepodge of leftover items, instead of a purposeful well-designed space. So here are some of my tips for creating a space that looks collected, but intentional.

Carry through a color scheme. In this space, I’ve chosen to use pink as the main bright color that ties different aspects of the room together. There are a lot of patterns going on, but a pop of pink sprinkled through different elements visually ties everything together.

Neutrals are your friend. It can be easy to get carried away with color in this type of design, but remember that texture can be just as interesting. Incorporating pieces with rich textures– like poufs and rugs, a woven chair, or rustic side table, can create a lot of visual power while still letting your main color scheme keep the room balanced.

Natural textures create warmth. It just wouldn’t be bohemian without a healthy dose of nature! Bringing in wood tones, rustic woven elements, and live plants helps create that feeling of harmony with nature that bohemian style is known for.

And finally, curate what you love. The only way to really make a room feel like a true collection of loved items is to incorporate personality into the space. Whether it’s a collection of items, like the mirrors in the mood board above, a hand-stitched family quilt, or personal art or sketches, make sure that your space includes items that have meaning to you. It’s the easiest way to get genuine warmth and a truly collected feeling in your space.

As always, thank you to Cassity & the Remodelaholic team for having me here each month. If you like what you see, be sure to visit me over on my blog, DesigningDawn, or follow along on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. Have a great day, friends!



Get inspired with these lovely teen girl rooms, too!

Teen Girl Bedroom Collage

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Dawn is one half of the team behind the creative blog, AD Aesthetic. By day she works as the VP of Creative for a design and marketing company (getting paid to make things look good!), while by night she renovates her Midwest home, refinishes thrift-store furniture for fun, and works with her husband on raising two tiny humans. Dawn believes in the potential to design your surroundings and your life one day at a time, and lives by the motto, 'Make everything beautiful.' Get to know her better by visiting her blog,, or following along on Facebook and Instagram.

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