Make Your Own Chick in Egg Easter Craft

Make Your Own Chick in Egg Easter Craft | #holiday #craft #egg #kids #easter

It’s not hard to hatch this fun project. The steps are easy and the supplies are cheap, cheap, cheap! This fun and creative Easter craft idea was sent in to be featured by FamilyFun Magazine!

You will need:

orange felt
yellow pom-poms
black dimensional paint

clothes hanger
cooking spray
perle cotton string
white glue
paper plate

Follow the instructions below, or check out this great video tutorial!

1.     Make a chick by gluing together two yellow pom-poms. Glue on a felt beak and feet. Add eyes with dimensional fabric paint. Let dry.

2.     Insert the chick into a pre-stretched balloon. Blow up the balloon until it’s the size of a tennis ball. Knot the balloon and spray it with a light coasting of cooking spray.

3.     Cut perle cotton string into six or seven 2-foot lengths.

4.     Pour white glue into a paper plate. Dip a length of string into the glue to coat it, then run it between your thumb and forefinger to remove the excess glue. Wrap it around the balloon. Add more crisscrossing strands until there are no gaps larger than the chick.

5.     Clip the knot of the balloon to hanger, and hang it up to dry (we hung ours from a shower curtain rod).

6.     With scissors, carefully pop the balloon and remove it.


Find more great Easter Crafts for kids here.

Featured image courtesy of FamilyFun Magazine.

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