Day 10: Annual Halloween Costume Project

I am so tired right now.  I have been sick for the last week, and with our wall ripping out schedules I haven’t had a single moment to make our Halloween costumes.   Which means of course last minute sprinting for the last two days I have been working nonstop to finish our costumes- because they kept getting put off.  Halloween is a big deal for us because of this… and last year all four of us were SICK, SICK SICK so we didn’t even go to the trunk or treat.  Such a bummer, I even bought half of our costumes and I never got a picture of the girls in them, this year I was determined to do it.

The hard part for us is that we have three girls and one boy and there just aren’t a lot of recognizable kid friendly options that everyone would be so excited about.  So, I finally chose to do Alice in Wonderland.  

Originally I was thinking Disney version, Etta was going to be Alice, Lydia was going to be a little singing Petunia, Justin the Mad Hatter and I would be the Queen of hearts of course.  BUT with the time constraints we decided to go less old school and do more of a 2010 Alice in Wonderland version


Alice (4)


We went looking at a few local thrift stores for items to alter for costumes, that is usually the easiest way for me to get things done quickly and I find it is cheaper.  But, I couldn’t find much of anything, I purchased two shirts for me, and a Suit jacket for Justin.

Then we went to Target and I found a little winter princess costume.  The smallest was Etta’s size, so she became the white queen.  I also found a big ruffle underskirt that looked great, and made the whole costume look more “grand”.





Which meant Lydia was now Alice.  So while looking in the kids section, I found the cutest 3 tiered tulle skirt and I bought a little t-shirt to go with it.  I figured, if I was going to buy something new, she better get more than one use our of it, so it is a costume and a cute outfit for everyday.  Which meant all she needed was a little pinafore and she would be a cute (Disney) Alice!  ( and Thanks need to go to my mother, she helped me make the perfect little pinafore!)

alice (11)


For Justin’s costume, I wanted to go Mad Hatter, more than Disney but less scary than Johnny Depp.  I saw these adorable engagement pictures by Lauren Brimhall Photography… seriously go check them out, and I based Justin’s outfit more on his, but sadly we had no time for cool makeup!


Mad hatter (6)


Finally for the Queen of Hearts, it is a bit of a mix between the new and old queen.  I based the skirt of of the new queen, but the top was more like the old.  I took two button down shirts and cut them in half and put them back together.





Okay stay tuned for tomorrow.  I hope that where ever you are tonight that you are safe.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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