Easy Faux Carriage Door Tutorial!

Easy Faux Carriage Door Tutorial!  By Terry

I am honored to be doing a guest post for Cassity at Remodelaholic. It’s a pleasure to introduce myself. I am Terry and I live in western Illinois. I am married and have two grown children and we are recent empty nesters. I am also fairly new to blogging since November, 2010 with my blog foreverdecorating.blogspot.com.
It has been a learning curve and I have begun to train myself to think about my projects with blogging  in mind; ie: before pictures and tutorials.

I was raised with parents that made everything they possibly could and forced to sew all my clothes at the age of eight (now I am thankful). So it comes natural to me that, I could and would, tear into any home renovation or make anything I could (or maybe it’s because I am cheap). It’s a hobby, a lifestyle and a joy for me to do these things. I believe that if you want it bad enough you will figure out a way to have it. I am blessed with a God given creative gene that I am very thankful for.

Faux Carriage Door Tutorial

I recently posted on my painted carriage house garage doors, but with this guest post, I would like to give more of a tutorial of how I did this and why.

These finished garage doors came about one day when my hubby announced that he wanted to replace our existing garage doors with carriage house style garage doors. First, I must stress that nothing was wrong with our insulated garage doors.

Granted they were bright white when the sun would shine on them, otherwise, no problems. We also have three huge windows in the front of the garage with the garage doors being side entry.

We get plenty of light in our garage…no need for real windows in the garage doors. So I decided to surprise my hubby with the doors of his dreams on the cheap…just for the cost of the paint. I painted the white garage doors the color of the body of our upper story. It’s called Ramie by Sherwin Williams. That solved the problem of the glaring white doors. Then I had to make two stencils, one for the hinge and one for the handles.

Easy to do. I had clear stencil sheets, so I just drew and cut out my stencils. Then I used black acrylic paint in those small plastic bottles to paint these on the doors. I mixed some white acrylic paint with the black to make the gray for shadowing and painting the details of the screws.

Here is what the doors looked like when my hubby came home from work.

He saw the doors and really like them and then said, “But I wanted windows!” with a kind of whining sound!!! Okay, back to work. Using blue painters tape, I simply taped off four squares in each raised panel and painted the windows with black paint. When the tape was removed, it appeared that these windows had mullions to match the ones in our real windows. I then made the gray paint again and painted shadows.

With hubby happy, all I had to do was seal the acrylic paint with water based exterior sealer. It has been two years since I did this process and the doors look the same today as the day I painted them, so this sealer for exterior works great. It can be purchased at any hardware or paint store.

Total cost for this project was just the cost of paint and sealer…around $25. I’d say that’s about a penny on the dollar of what real carriage garage doors would cost and hubby is happy!

Thanks Cassity for the chance to do this guest post. Please stop by and visit me at my Forever Decorating! blog

Faux Carriage Door Tutorial

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. How did you paint your doors? I need to paint our almond door to match our white house, not sure how or what kind paint to use. Thanks!

  2. Great job, Terry. You truly did an excellent job.
    I found the carriage door hardware at HD on sale for $9-.
    I am going to paint on my windows as well, but my husband wants
    plexiglass faux windows framed w/ grid, and grids to separate the panes.

    As it stands right now, the hardware is up, and without windows it just
    doesn’t “sing”. I did grid rectangular shaped window panes, exterior white shutters,
    and Adirondack chairs as well. Solar lanterns. Haven’t soft-scaped yet.

    We bought a one-story fixer as our final home (no mortgage) and our house will be
    a nice curb appeal cottage when we’re done.

    Great creativity and job, Terry. You are talented. Love your faux hardware.