Family Portraits on the Wall!

When we went to Asheville this summer for the Shaw flooring competition...(please go vote there are only a few more days!  THANKS!) We also had my great friend Destinee take family pictures for us.  She is a fabulous photographer, and it has been fun to watch her business take off!  I thought I would share some of the pictures with you, and how I framed and displayed the first few pictures!

Anyway, I recently got an invitation from Kristen to share a way that I display my family pictures… And since I just got these new pictures from Destinee I thought “Seize the day” , well it wasn’t quite that dramatic, more like.. “Crap I’ve gotta get this done before the post is due…!”

I wanted three large images in my entry, but I couldn’t find the frames that just said “BUY ME”.  And I went to about 5 different places.  Well, because I couldn’t find anything I loved, I decided to change the plan for now, and just bought some $5 dollar Wal-world frames… that way if it didn’t turn out great, then oh well.  But, I am really happy with how it turned out.

Where did I hang them?  I have this little “hall”  between our master bedroom and the guest half bath, on our main floor.  We used to have a bunch of family pictures there, but since we installed our wainscoting (and had Lydia)  I have yet to hang anything on the walls.  So, I thought I would put the pictures here.

I started with a quick coat of spray paint (Rustoleum’s Lagoon in Satin –  I love this, I painted a table this color months ago and have yet to show you it… ya know, for a blogger, I am REALLY bad at blogging!) for the frames which were black to begin.

I thought it might be fun to ignore the wainscoting when I hung them, so here is the before and after. I had to hang the middle picture on a 2×4 block so that it hung flat!  I need to take pictures so you can see!
And because I like the little pink specter walking through this next image, I have to share it.  This is what always happens when trying to take pictures (and you should have seen all the sheets and pillow cases that she pulled out of the cabinet while I was doing this… and technically is still there 2 days later!  Whoops!)
Please check out her great blog line up:
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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