Get Your Green Thumb On…It’s Garden Time!

If you’ve been visiting us here at Remodelaholic for a while, then you probably know that we are avid gardeners.  It’s hard not to get excited about getting your hands a little dirty when that work pays off with a harvest of 300 pounds of vegetables in a single summer.  Um…yeah, that was more than we could eat ourselves!  So we’d load it up into our little red wagon grab our girls and and visit all our neighbors.  I have to say,  there aren’t many things more rewarding than handing over your very own home grown veggies to someone else and seeing their eyes light up, or better yet, letting your 2 year old hand it over to them!  Etta was SO excited to share this from her garden!

Etta in the garden

Planting a vegetable garden every spring has become a tradition that has been fun to share with our daughters.  Spring comes later to Utah than it did when we lived in Texas, But today is the day that we are getting out there to start digging.    In honor of the fun to come, we want to share a few gardening ideas with you.

Gardening Ideas for your whole family!


Gardening Ideas!

Remodelaholic produce

Square Foot Gardening…we’re all about this method of getting the most bang for your buck with the gardening space you have.  It worked great for us in our small Texas garden.  This method is great for everyone from beginning to experienced gardeners.  

Remodelaholic herbs on table

If your space is super tight, remember that gardens don’t have to be in the ground.  Our herb garden was in pots on our patio table!

Give Your Garden Some Design Love…vegetables don’t have to be ugly!   Just like you’ll be more likely to get more laundry done if you feel like staying in the laundry room because it’s so pretty, you’ll be more likely to spend time gardening if you are happy with the way your garden looks in your landscape.  Put some thought into the overall design, and you’ll be a lot happier with it, we promise.  

Tidbits from the Tremaynes garden design

This garden at Tidbits from the Tremaynes is a good example of a garden designed to make the gardener happy.

Remodelaholic Justin building garden

And just because our favorite gardening philosophy starts with the word “square” doesn’t mean your garden has to be.  The best garden is the kind that fits in the space you have available, which is why Justin designed ours as a triangle.  

House in Holland pretty garden

A House in Holland features a backyard garden that blends in with the landscaping.  The box gardens that were built to match the homeowner’s deck, and flowers bloom alongside the veggies.  Pretty, right?

Remodelaholic stone soup garden

We featured another lovely garden design, this “stone soup” garden at Shortie’s Funny Farm.  This layout looks so good!

BH&G container garden, Gardening Ideas for your whole family!

And again, just because you don’t own several acres…or even an actual backyard, doesn’t mean you can’t have a well designed garden in the space available.  Just look at this gorgeous container garden from Better Homes & Gardens.  

The Microgardener has some great ideas for creating gardens in small spaces, too.

Know What (and When!) to Grow…we learned this the hard way in Texas.  We planted a few things too late in the season and they fried in the summer heat.  There are some great resources out there to help you with this:

  • The USDA’s Cooperative Extension Offices are there to help average folks like you and me with their gardening and food preservation efforts.  They’ve got tons of information to help make your garden a success.  Find your local office HERE.  
  • Take a look at a regional gardening map.
  • Many communities offer helpful classes through their parks and recreation departments at a very low cost.  In addition, your town might even have a community garden, where you can get a small plot for yourself.
  • Ask your neighbors!  If you can find someone who lives in your community that is a successful gardener, they can be your best resource!  They’ll know which plant varieties grow well in the local soil, how to deal with common pests, and the best times to plan.  They will also have recommendations for the best places to get seeds and seedlings…and may even share some of theirs with you!  Having a hard time finding a gardener to befriend?  Try searching for a local gardening club.

Get Your Kids Involved…what kid doesn’t enjoy playing in the sunshine with dirt, water, and leaves?  Find ways to let your kids be involved in the garden work.  After all, it’s pretty common knowledge that kids are more likely to eat their veggies when they helped to plant and grow them.  

Last year we planted the multi-color carrots (orange, yellow, white and purple).  Every time we went out into the yard, the girls could help themselves  to a carrot or two of their picking.   They were so excited to pull out carrots to see what color they’d be.    And they would eat them too, as we played in the yard (especially the purple carrots!)

Not Just a Housewife rainbow garden, Gardening Ideas for your whole family!

Stacy from Not Just  a Housewife suggests letting kids plant some veggies with exotic colors for a “rainbow garden”.  

Mom and Her Drill kids garden

Reserve a special spot in your yard to be the children’s garden, like this one at Mom and Her Drill.

Living Well on the Cheap

Have the kids help to make some garden markers, like these at Living Well on the Cheap.

Enjoy Your Harvest…if all this talk of gardening sounds like a lot of hard work to you,  focus on what the delicious payoff will be.  Fresh fruits and vegetables that taste incredible–nothing beats homegrown!

Remodelaholic pasta with squash

Here’s one of the ways we used up our squash, tossed in pasta! And a ton of other zucchini recipes

Remodelaholic hummus

Dip your fresh veggies in my favorite hummus.

Remodelaholic Pesto Bruschetta

Check out this yummalicious recipe for homegrown basil pesto bruschetta by What’s Cooking With Ruthie featured here at Remodelaholic.

The Rusted Garden salsa

The Rusted Garden shares a recipe for a summer garden classic:  salsa!

Will you be planting a vegetable garden this year?  What’s your favorite thing to grow? If you are looking for more inspiration, gardening ideas, or incentives for gardening, check out my Garden Pinterest board, where I’ve been saving dozens of tips and tricks.

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  1. I’ve read a lot about square foot gardening, but never really understood why it was better. I tried intensive planting one year but it made it harder to get to the vegetables and didn’t produce any more than row planting. Did you do raised gardens in Texas? If so, how did you prevent the water from draining down so fast?

    1. Marty, I did a raised garden in Texas and had great success. I made sure the I had a good soil that would drain the water but still retain enough for the plants to take in. Not too sandy but not to much clay either. Because the plants were so tight together it shaded out the soil and didn’t allow weeds to take over. I didn’t have to weed as much because of the close proximity of the plants. I could see that if they were too close that it would be hard to get to vegetables.

  2. I just love fresh vegetables and having your own is even more special. We use ours daily and the rewards you receive for the labor of love is just amazing. We have some woodworking done in ours along with some old cans converted into pots. These vegetable gardens in this post look so inviting, well done!

  3. Your garden is amazing mine is about a 20 x 50…..can I ask you how you manage to keep all the animals out last year they ate my entire garden. The pole beans they snapped off the botton of the plant at ground level, you would have never none I ever planted peapods completly gone, they ate everything with exception to a few tomatoes, peppers and lettuce. We live on the horse trails and have a lot of deer and who knows what else. My fence is at least 7 feet high. I put in all sorts of wind chimes tin cans even chicken wired around some plants. Please help. Five years ago my garden grew and looked like jerassic park, lol.
    Im so jealous.

    1. Jeanne, you could do a number of things. I guess one thing that I would suggest is to try planting things around the perimeter that the deer don’t like or even human hair around on the ground would keep the deer out. I would ask around to others who garden or even go to the local garden store for more advice. I hope that helps a little.

  4. Hello Justin and Cassity! I’m glad I passed by here. I am really inspired with this article. I admire the way you give importance to the happiness of other people through the blessings you have. It’s really rewarding to share something what you’ve earned. Also, I like all the wonderful photos here. Keep on posting guys! 😀