Getting the Dirt on Clean! Shaklee Sha-weetness

One of my readers, Bonnie is a stay at home mom of 3 kids under the age of 5!  Phew, I am tired just thinking of it! So, during nap time and after her kids are in bed, she works to spread the news about an awesome line of green products from Shaklee.  She said “I really want to help other moms become aware of the harmful toxins in many of our daily products. I want to educate mothers how to keep their families safe by switching to safe, non toxic cleaners that actually work and help take care of the planet that God gave us.”

To learn about and  meet Bonnie and get other great tips, check out her blog House of Grace.
Recently Bonnie contacted me to see if I would be willing to give these awesome green products a try, and I was game.  It was like she read my mind too because, lately it seems that all the cleaning products out there are just so fumey that I can hardly use them and breath, which is technically a problem.  
And it seems, I have a lot of household cleaning that has been neglected while blogging for you my dear friends.  So, I have some great- gag inducing- befores, which only proves how nice the product is, and how shameless I am to dare show you!
Thought those of you that are Dr. Oz or Oprah fans would appreciate this video.  
This is the product line that Bonnie introduced me to. 
Here are the products that I have tried out, it was so fun to get the package at the door, kinda like Christmas!




I am really impressed with them all.  The first product I tried was the Scour Off.  You see, I left a cast iron pan in a puddle of water on my ugly pink counter tops and in turn, it left an even uglier ring of rust, there is a burn spot thanks to the previous owners, so you know I didn’t just photograph another spot – it came right off.  Immediately, too!   
The next project to tackle that is often severely neglected or just plain ignored… the inside of my oven, I had a little helper, there at my side  the. whole. time.  So it, was good I was not using something really toxic.  For this project I used the scour off again and basic H2 for an overall wipe down when I was done.
**BTW the Scour Off smells like bubble gum, which is much better than headache inducing fumes!
I had this paint scuff on my “hopefully soon to be painted completely white” cabinets, 
and the scour off took it right off with just a damp washcloth.
When it comes to chores like loading the dishwasher, 
I think it is never to early to get your kids to do the dirty work… hence my helper.
Okay, so really she didn’t “help” much but she looks cute sitting there rolling the tray back and forth.
Sorry I don’t have a picture of a dishwasher detergent before and after.
The Hand Dish Soap is super concentrated. Which is so nice, a little goes a long way!
So I filled up my handy-dandy dispenser and love using the soap.
As for the Basic H Cleaner I have used for about everything.  And looking on Bonnie’s blog, House of Grace I found this great list of options for cleaning which I thought you might like to see some of the great things about it.  And here is another list of uses for all over the house.
1. Stop living in a toxic home
Some of the most questionable chemicals used regularly in household products are ammonia, chlorine bleach, phenol, butyl cellosolve, and formaldehyde—all of which can be found under your kitchen sink. Basic H2 is nontoxic and safe for your family.
2. Everything and the kitchen sink
Basic H2 cleans it all from kitchens and bathrooms to appliances, woodwork, mirrors, painted walls, and floors— it even does windows. So, toss those single-purpose cleaners like sink and tile cleaners. Mix ¼ teaspoon in 16 oz. of water in a Get Clean spray bottle for all purpose cleaning, and 2 drops in 16 oz. of water to clean windows.
3. Eliminate your ammonia-based window cleaner
Basic H2 cleans windows without streaking while being a great alternative to leading brands. Basic H2 window cleaner is equivalent in performance to Windex Original.
4. Removes the impossible
From lipstick on a linen napkin to crayons on a painted wall, full-strength Basic H2 comes to the rescue.
5. Great for cutting grease
Tough on greasy barbecue grills, ovens, and even oil spots on concrete. Mix 2 oz. per gallon of water for a super degreaser formula.
6. Does odd jobs
One tablespoon of Basic H2 in a bucket of hot water lifts off old wallpaper. One and a half teaspoons in a half gallon cleanssticky paintbrushes. Just soak for 24 hours and rinse with hot tap water.
7. Saves money
One 16 oz. bottle of Basic H2 diluted per label directions makes 214 bottles (28 oz.) of ready-to-use all-purpose cleaner.
8. Camping and traveling companion
Take along a small size of Basic H2 to keep clothes, dishes, and everything else clean. And you’ll help by keeping the great outdoors unpolluted.
9. Easy on the planet
Biodegradable and environmentally friendly, Basic H2 handles even hard-to-clean jobs without phosphates, borates, nitrates, or other stuff the planet doesn’t appreciate.
10. Less in the landfill
Basic H2 is super concentrated, so you’ll use fewer bottles of cleaning products throughout the year.
I used it on my couches too!  For a spot that had been there for… well longer than I care to admit!
The window cleaner is from the same Basic H cleaner, and I have to say I was skeptical that it would get anything off, it just didn’t seem cleaner-y enough and boy, did I put it to the test.

Below is one of Etta’s favorite “toys”.  She loves  to see the cute baby in there and give her slobbery, mouth full of food kisses, and well it looked like this most of the time:

See the mirror?
This was literally one spray and 1 wipe down with the get clean super Microfiber Window cloth!
and I tell you that mirror was NASTY!
Some quick facts:
1 bottle of Basic H2equals the cleaning uses of 5,824 bottles of 26 oz. Windex. 
 Wow, Right?!?!
Basic H2 is all you need for thousands of household jobs
  • Ultra concentrated – 16 ounces makes up to 48 gallons of super powerful cleaner when mixed with water.
  • Versatile and powerful cleaner – removes dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface, inside and out. Dilute according to directions.
  • No rinse, no residue, streak-free formula.
Use on any washable surface – indoors or out
  • Walls, Windows and Mirrors, Countertops, Floors, Appliances, Stoves, Sealed Woodwork, Pots and Pans, Furniture
Clean Credentials
  • Nontoxic
  • Natural
  • Doubly concentrated
  • Biodegradable Surfactants
For all-purpose cleaning:
Add 1/4 tsp. to 16 oz. of water.
For windows and mirrors:
Add 1-2 drops to 16 oz. of water.   (ONLY DROPS!!!!)
For degreasing: Add 1 1/2 tsp. to 16 oz. of water. For bigger jobs, add 2 oz. to 1 gallon of water.

The Degreaser was totally necessary for my house!  I used it on my awful to clean black shiny appliances that show EVERYTHING in the world!

Okay, so obviously you can see the nastiness! See the streaks and yuck!
A quick spray with the degreaser:
Wow!  That “shines like the top of the Chrysler building!”  (name that movie!)
And the Microwave:
This things is hard to photograph, but there was that thin grease all over that just smears and is hard to get off… (and no I don’t make a lot of, if any fried food, but this baby is right above the stove top)
This really is one of the most impressive results to me, because I have been fighting this microwave since we moved it, and it never seems to look clean.  So, I was pretty shocked and awed!
Okay, so Bonnie is giving away 10 basic H samples for you to try out.  
These samples can make 2 bottles of powerful cleaner when diluted in 16 ounces of water. 
To ten random commenters,
  who check out Bonnie’s Shaklee site and paste a copy of her URL in your comment.
There are great new member specials that Bonnie would love to offer you so email her @
or check out her blog and I am sure she can help you out
AND  she is also offering FREE MEMBERSHIP with a 50 PV order for the month of JUNE.  
(The GET CLEAN STARTER KIT qualifies!!!)  Let her know if you have any questions.
Don’t forget to check out her blog House of Grace.
Happy Cleaning,
Please visit her online Shaklee site.
Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

get the reader favorite

Cleaning Binder & Custom Cleaning Calendar

This 18-page editable cleaning binder printable pack will help you establish a cleaning schedule based on the custom tasks you actually need for your home. From the spring cleaning checklist to everyday cleaning recipes, this printable set is great for kick-starting a cleaning routine and staying on task with annual and semi-annual tasks, too.

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  1. >Oh, please let this OCD cleaning obsessed girl find these the best cleaners on the planet! I buy everything under the sun and would LOVE to eliminate all the cleaning supplies I buy on a weekly basis! These look and sound very, very promising! Wow!

  2. >

    I am convinced and hope to get an opportunity to try it. Thanks!


  3. >

    Wow, love the results…would love to try these!

  4. >
    am very anxious to try the products!
    I would dearly love to win!