Great Gift Ideas!

So it is almost Christmas and I am a little late at doing this, but I thought it would be fun to share my holiday wish list or so great gift ideas with you all.  I think buying for people can be hard, so hopefully when you send me a gift (ahem… I am TOTALLY kidding! Do not send me a gift!) , … anyway:

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1. Okay, so I will admit I broke into one of my Christmas presents early this year- and when I did, the heavens opened and the angels sang!!!

It is the Oreck Magnesium RS.  (You can get the upright and canister separately at Amazon). I am telling you people I have never loved a piece of home maintenance equipment more that I love my new vacuums!  First lets talk about the upright vacuum.  This baby has a high and a low setting, so depending on what you are vacuuming be it a small rug a hard surface or the carpet, you can change it up as you need.  Also it is literally as light as a feather!  I kid not, this new love of my life only weighs about seven and half pounds lbs.  My two children weighted more than that at birth, so I can tell why this vacuum is my new baby!  The other feature I love is that it literally flattens to the ground!  I can vacuum underneath my couch all the way to the back without moving a thing.  AMAZING!  And it turns like butter, with just a tiny turn of your wrist!

Okay, so normally I wouldn’t go on, but the second portion of this equation the handheld vacuum is equally as cool.  I had no idea that vacuuming stairs could be so exhilarating.  Well, it is when you just hang this tiny lightweight vacuum on with the shoulder strap and vacuum away, and it does a fabulous job!!  Heck after we tried it for he first time we were so desperate to keep using it that we even vacuumed all the Froot Loops and pretzel pieces out of the car!  (it’s like getting a new vacuum and a new car!)  Another other great use is vacuuming the sofa (ours is Espresso colored and shows every. single. cracker. crumb!!!! …and we have a toddler!  oops!)Grage door opener

2. This item is more personal to my needs, but I NEED a garage door opener!   We usually enter our home from the driveway to the garage.  Well, we don’t have a garage door opener, okay, besides me and our garage door is solid wood and REALLY heavy!  It scares me with my kids when we are all climbing out of the car and going inside.  After living without one for so long, I will never take a door opener for granted again.   I hope we can get one soon, and maybe show you all how we install it!




3.  Our new kitchen is kind of small, so space is valuable.  when I buy a small appliance, I really like it when they can be used for more than just one thing.   Lately, our waffle iron recently bit the dust, then our small George Foreman grill fell off shelf and died a sad death, our griddle is all scratched up, and finally Justin has really wanted a Panini press for a while.  So, I looked around to see what I could find- all in one.  And I can’t wait til Christmas morning to watch my hubby open this baby -a Cuisinart Griddler (available from Amazon), it is a grill, griddle, Panini press, waffle iron and  you can do a griddle and grill at the same time.  ( you have to buy the waffle iron plate separately, just FYI)

black and decker food processor and blender

4. Okay speaking of double use appliances this Black and Decker food processor and blender from Amazon has me giddy…. I had no idea that this blender / food processor hybrid existed.  Our food processor is dying ( I guess all of our appliances have about a 12 year shelf life, I’ve basically had all of them since we got married)  And I’ve been wanting a new blender this is two in one… LOVE!  And I love Black and Decker, so what can I say!  I need this!


brooklyn floor lamp

5. Our living room has no windows.  Yes it is true I am living in the dark.  I would like to change that… I have been eying this Brooklyn floor lamp ever since I saw it on my trip to Atlanta.  I believe I have the perfect place for it too!

Disney dolls

6. I am such a kid at heart, not that I need to play with dolls now, but I remember how much I LOVED playing with dolls.  When I saw this set of mini Disney princess dolls. I had to get it for my girls!  They are like 5 inches tall, and so adorable!  I cant wait for them to open this on Christmas morning!  And there will be plenty that they don’t have to fight over them (and bonus if you have  more than one girl you could break apart the set and give them each one or two dolls, either wrapped in a box or a stocking stuffer!)

katy kitty and molly monkey

7. One tradition that I started a few years ago (not long, but I hope it carries on for many more years) is making a handmade gift for my girls.  So far I have made Katy Kitty($12) and Molly Monkey(free) this year I made them ballerinas,(sorry no good pictures yet!) I am planning on making a pattern we’ll see when it happens!  There is just enough time for you to make one of these for your kids!  So if money is tight and you need a good gift, try Molly Monkey, I used all scrap fabrics and I LOVE them!


I know it is fun to think about thing you may need or give to your loved ones, but if you have the ability to share beyond your own family, I love these charities:

Heifer international

8. A few years ago in college, I worked at a large corporate office. I worked literally across from all the CEO, CFO’s… all that jazz. So, it was fun to see the gifts that the CEO’s gave each other, and one that has stood out in my mind over the years is Heifer international. My boss was given the gift of a cow, well, technically it didn’t go to him. The charity’s goal is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth. Heifer currently provides 28 types of animals to families in need in more than 50 countries, including the U.S. By giving families a hand-up, not just a hand-out, they empower them to turn lives of hunger and poverty into self-reliance and hope. I love the idea of teaching and empowering a person so that they can help themselves succeed, and in turn teach their children.

Clean water charity water

9. I was shocked when I saw the advertising for this charity on TV, did you know that 1 in 9 people do not have clean water to drink.  Just seeing the picture above makes me sick.  When I think of the mother that has to give her family that dirty water to drink, after the hours of work it took to collect it, it makes my heart sick.   Charity: water focuses on life’s most basic need – water.  Water changes everything. Preventable waterborne diseases are drastically decreased. Long walks to muddy ponds and rivers are no longer necessary. Time spent collecting water is reduced, offering women a chance to earn an income, and children a chance at a better education.  Clean water offers improved health, a better quality of life, and hope for a better future.


10.  Last but not least I mentioned this in my post on Monday.  I can’t imagine the pain the families in Newtown are going through.  And add to that the awful expense they also have to bear of burying their child, I hope that we can all help them out, you can donate  here through the United Way.


(Although this post does contain affiliate links it is just a list of fun things that I love and/or would like to own, give to or have given!)

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I already have the Cuisinart Griddler but I had no idea there were waffle irons. I have a tiny Belgian waffle maker which is just not adequate when the family gathers. So, my Christmas gift to myself was to order those irons, which I found on sale on line for $39.95. Yes! Thanks for filling me in on this.

  2. Awwww, I love Cinderella…and have to admit I have collected a few *blush*. My sister started my collection many, many moons ago.