Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!

Hey, I know I am really lame lately on the recipe sharing lately sorry… I really haven’t been cooking anything that wonderful, if it takes longer that 10 minutes I don’t make it.  And so we have had some pretty random meals lately.

So today, I thought I would show you our AWESOME (if I say so myself) Halloween costumes.  (what is up with uploading pictures on blogger, it is totally not working urgh!)
This is another one of those costumes we have been wanting to do for years.  I almost didn’t do it, but since Justin and I went on our first date on Halloween, it is an important holiday for us, and I really like to go all out.

Live Long And Prosper!

Long live the Trekkies!

To go where no man has gone before…

Live long and prosper.

This year we were Trekkies.  Justin and I have been planning this one for years.  It all came down to last minute though, like always but it worked out.

Etta is a Klingon (notice the front French braid, that is her forehead, and then she has the metal band thingy Warf always wore.  That and she likes to Cling-on to us, so i thought it was appropriate.

I was Dax.  I have spots all over the edge of my face.  I found the picture on line and thought that would be easy make up.  Then our friend who remembered the name of the character said that she was the host of a parasite that was thousands of years old, and I thought it was even more appropriate, since I too am a host to a little sweet parasite!

Justin is the captain.  He found that our hand winding flashlight were the perfect laser guns and he was happy.

All told a happy family and I must admit these were probably the easiest costumes I have made/altered.  It only took about 2 days of random work here and there.

But the tradition of our first date (Halloween 2000) lives on and that is the important part!

Picture overload starts now.


Star Trek Halloween Costumes


































 So did you like our Star Trek Halloween Costumes?  Hope so!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >wonder why your pictures do not show up for me lately i have run programs but hasn't helped anyone else having problems?

  2. >Hopefully the picture thing works now. Last night blogger wouldn't let me upload pictures so I tried pasting them in my email and coping them over and only 1 or 2 showed up. But blogger finally cooperated this morning! Happy Halloween!

  3. >Those costumes are AWESOME! You rock! What a cute family! Can't wait to see what you do next year for a family of four. (: