Happy Wedding Anniversary to US! (last week!)

Hey, guess what I am alive and well!  Did any of you miss me?

I feel like I have been absent from my own blog for a while. Sorry ’bout that!

The sad thing is many of you new readers have never even heard from me, so HI! I’m Cassity, so nice to.. uh…  meet you and welcome to my blog.  I feel like I have been gone for a very long time, although I work on my blog for a few hours a day at least.  And honestly, I have been so busy with the blog and visiting family that I really haven’t done much else.

But I have a project to show you!  Yea!

This last week, I had enough of unfinished projects and decided to get going on one.  After a last minute trip to the fabric store, I got busy and actually worked on one of my own projects, I know WOW!

But guess what it is still not exactly done, and I want your advice.  I shall explain.

The other exciting news is that last week was my ninth wedding anniversary!  Happy ‘Nanniversary to me! (as we like to say for no reason that I can think of).  This project is for our anniversary gift.  Here is the background.

Around our first anniversary, I was thinking it would be fun to get a plant and watch it grow…. ah love.

Well, Luckily, since I probably would have killed the thing, I went to the local grocery store of all places and found these huge mason jars,  1 1/2 to 2 gallon size, and I thought, “Those would be fun flour and sugar containers.”  I begged my husband to let us buy them (I think they were only like $15 dollars a piece but we were very poor college students… Now we’re…uh… still paying for college, ah dang!)  for our anniversary and the tradition was born.  (I still love those jars)

So, the tradition began to buy something that would hold some meaning and be useful to us and possibly be something that we can hand down to our children at some point.

So Far we have purchased:
Flour and Sugar Containers/ Jars, a large wall clock, a beautiful picture of the Savior, pewter dishes, more pewter( i like me some dishes people!), a dresser, an armiore and now a bench.

I have been re-doing the bench, and I have a question about glazing. Do you think I should?  I feel like it is lacking a bit of character, but I love the bright white.  I am even thinking of taking a tiny brush and just glazing the joints in the faux bamboo.

Here are the before and after so far, I will be back with more explanation of the how to when I get the chance.

So far, it at least passed the Buddy test!
Let’s talk, 
should I glaze?
Should I distress? 
( sorta leaning toward this too- but just a tiny bit)
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Hello! What a cute bench that is – a great find! We would distress it – or glaze it for sure – all of the detail would "pop"! And…if it's not to your liking…paint it again!
    Good luck with your project – can't wait to see what you end up doing!

    Karla & Karrie

  2. >Happy Anniversary!

    I love the fabric pattern you chose for the bench. I think a glaze would look great.

    ~ Tracy

  3. >Oh – how lovely! You did a terrific job with this. I like the glaze/no distressing idea.

  4. >Lovely lovely project, so fresh and clean. If you're not sure on the glazing, try a bit on an out of sight spot and live with it for a little bit. You can always repaint that spot if you don't like it. Love the fabric, too, btw.

  5. >I like it!!! Pretty fabric too. Distressing will look nice also. I'm not the fan of the glazing. But that could be because every time I do it, my pieces end up looking like they're white but dirty. 🙂

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  6. >That bench is so sweet! I love the caning and the shape of it. Gorgeous. I think I like the idea of glazing it. It would bring out the details in the piece and show off why it's so special.

  7. >How darling! I love that white look! It just looks clean and crisp to me. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed. Cindy

  8. >lovely transformation. It is probably easiest to do a little distressing, which you can fix if you don't like the results. You might be able to find a blue to match the fabric and just place a bit here and there –in the grooves. Congratulations on your anniversary, may you have many,many more!
    God Bless,

  9. >Looks beautiful! LOVE the fabric! Thanks for joining us for Anything Related!

  10. >This is great! I love your idea of buying things that will become heirlooms. I'm especially drawn to this piece, too , as I do hand caning and love that look. Thanks for sharing on Modern Craftswoman Monday and hope to see you next week, too! Rory

  11. >Hi, I just love your bench and the fabric is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  12. >This is an incredible makeover! I would love to find a little cutie like that! The after cutie.

  13. >You did a great job! Love the fabric. Would love to know where your purchased it. I vote for glaze.