Leftover Turkeysagna

One of the best part of holiday feasts is what you get after: the leftovers! Here’s a great recipe that uses leftover turkey! Try this amazing Turkeysagna with your leftovers!

Leftover Turkeysagna | FOODIEaholic.com #recipe #cooking #lasagna #turkey #leftover #pasta #casserole #alfredo


Leftover Turkeysagna

Leftover Turkeysagna
Author: Foodieaholic
  • 1lb. Lasagna noodles
  • 16 oz. ricotta
  • Parmesan cheese
  • 3 cups Mozzarella cheese
  • 1 large onions
  • 2 Tbsp fresh garlic
  • 2 Tbsp Italian seasoning
  • 1 lb. portabella mushrooms – diced
  • 1 lb. mushrooms – quartered
  • 1 lb. fresh spinach
  • 3 lbs. leftover Turkey
  • 1/2 gal Alfredo sauce (recipe below)
  1. Dice turkey in medium pieces.
  2. In a large pot, sauté turkey until browned on all sides (approx. 5 min).
  3. Add onions, mushrooms, garlic and seasoning. Cook until onions are translucent.
  4. Chop then add spinach – cover pot and let cook 4-5 minutes until all spinach is wilted.
  5. Drain mix into colander.
  6. Return mix back to pan and add ricotta cheese and Alfredo sauce. Mix well.
  7. Build lasagna by layering dry pasta in bottom of deep sided pan then ladle on the mushroom sauce. Top each layer with a handful of shredded mozzarella and parmesan cheese until you reach top of pan.
  8. Cook 350 degrees for about 45 minutes to an hour or until done.
  9. Let cool for approximately 10-15 minutes before cutting.
  10. Enjoy with simple Caesar salad!
Alfredo Sauce
Author: Foodieaholic
  • 1 1/2 quart chicken stock
  • 3 Tbsp fresh garlic
  • 1 1/2 quart heavy cream
  • 6 oz. Parmesan cheese
  • 3 Tbsp Italian seasoning
  • salt & pepper
  • 3-4 tablespoons corn starch in water
  1. Combine chicken stock, Italian seasoning, and garlic in pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Add heavy cream and reduce by half.
  3. Add corn starch, let thicken and simmer for at least 10 minutes.

 Leftover Turkeysagna | FOODIEaholic.com #recipe #cooking #lasagna #turkey #leftover #pasta #casserole #alfredo


Special thanks to Chef Shane Ocean Catering Company for sharing this awesome recipe!

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