Little Black Dre..Door – Entry Remodel Continued

Well, I thought I would continue the Entry postings today.  Last time I explained some of the plans that we have.  Technically, I am going to have to give it a little bit of a rest, when we catch up to where we are, because who knows how long this project is going to take!

Anyway, this may seem off subject but, have any of you seen the movie Finding Neverland?  I am sure we have some Johnny Depp fans out there.  But, on the serious side, I loved the movie a little sad, but I still love it.  One thing I especially like about it is Mr Barry’s house.  Have you ever noticed it?  I looked all over online to find some images, but they didn’t have any.  My solution, I took some of my t.v –  forgive the quality.


Like I said, the quality of the pictures is really bad, but the set is just awesome.  I hope you can get some idea of it.  They have light cream/yellow walls, white trim and black doors and railings.  I love it.  This house has been bumping around in my head for the last few years.  So, I have been planning on black doors for the interior of my home.  Last winter (Wow, I can’t believe it has already been a year since I did this),  I decided to try this theory out on the back of our front door.  And I LOVED it!

I also painted the walls from a gallon of mis-mixed paint cause I wanted some color, without the cost.  But now, I think it is a little too dark! (especially with the no natural light issue!)

What do you think of the black door?
Do you feel like the space is too dark?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Love the black door. I, too, think you should paint the handrail. Makes me want to paint my front door black. Hmmm good idea.

  2. >I love the black door! I never would have considered that but it is beautiful!

    Thanks for linking up!

  3. >Myself, I don't do black, but when the door is white, it is lost. When it's black you know its there. Are you going to put the black framed pictures back on the wall to the right of the door? I think that you should consider them as you need more than just the one point of black.

  4. >LOVE the black door!! I need to paint the inside of ours….we were lazy and only painted the outside last year 🙂

  5. >I love the black door. I think you should paint your banister black too – to compliment it. What kind of paint did you use? Latex/oil?

  6. >Hey nc girl,

    I just used a regular latex paint. In fact it was a mis-mixed paint that I got for $1.00! Yay for a good deal.

  7. >I absolutely LOVE the black door! I'm finally going to take the plunge and paint two the bifold doors in my hallway on Wednesday while I'm on holiday break. Hopefully, things will go well and I can do the others during my winter break. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. I love the contrast you created in your entry with the black door! Our builder home has a white door that I’d love to paint black, but it also has side lights that I can’t figure out if I should paint/not paint.

    Is the exterior of your door also black?