Our Best Projects of 2011

So, I guess it truly is the end of the year?… It has flown by, don’t cha think?

It has been fun to look back at my goals for 2011 and even more fun to see what we have finished this year and thought it was about time for my top ten… (like last year’s review of 2010, then 2009 and 2008) I am not sure these are in perfect order, I have always had a hard time picking favorites… BUT I do know that #1 is the best work we’ve done this year… the rest of the projects is subject to opinion… But without further adieu…

 10. making some new art for our house…

Rustic-art-piece-using-vinyl-wall-decal-tutorial (27) Scrabble Art, family names, game room art (2)

Rustic Found Wood Vinyl Art Piece  & Scrabble Art Using Family Names


9. Revamping our 70’s Craig’s List find hutch!

I am so happy to finally have a place to display dishes!  Post 1, Post 2 and Post 3

This is a REALLY bad before…all the better for the after-ish! (will still haven’t added the drawers…)  if you are wondering what those hanging things are in our hutch before they are dryer sheets, it stunk SO bad… they totally didn’t help!  I have heard that a good wipe down with vinegar can do the trick, I will have to try that next time!

  hutch before  Final Hutch

013 012

8. Helping out my Mom and Dad

Let me start off by saying I am not a mural painter… but my parents just took over one of their tenants businesses, because of this bad economy.  It has been a really stressful undertaking… It is one of those crazy bounce house playgrounds!  It has been a ton of work to try and get it all cleaned up and back in shape!  We visited them in October and were able to throw Etta family birthday party!


She is still talking about it.  While we were there I decided to update one of their party rooms… It was a whirl wind day to get 3 wall murals painted, and try to match the first painting and The fun part was creating a tree canopy… I was about 85% happy with the results but considering the time constraints, I am just glad we finished!   I want to fix a few things the next time I’m in town.

The room only had one wall with a beautiful jungle mural, but the other three walls were blank and white so it felt a little off to me. I wanted to make it a little more exciting… more of an experience for the kiddos.  This is what it looked like when we were all done.  I created a tree canopy with wires and hunting mesh, it kind of makes you feel like you are in a jungle.  (special thanks to my sister Kristen for painting, and her kids for playing with my girls while Justin and I painted too)


Also… I have to show off the cool carving my dad made for it, he is making two more for the outside sign.  (He was a chain saw wood sculptor before retiring about 15 years ago, I always loved that my dad was so cool!)   If you live in Utah County please support them by visiting Jumpin Jacks Springville!


My dad is a very incredible artist and loves to remodel too, we can talk for hours about our schemes!  it is a lot of fun!  I love you Dad (and Mom!)


7. Computer Desk Reveal (and plans)

Technically, I think we made the desk last year, but I just barely posted about it… so it counts for this year!  Here is the reveal post and here are the desk plans!

custom computer desk planscustom computer desk plans2custom computer desk plans3


6. Beach Themed Living Room Design!

I was invited to attend Shaw’s HGTV line Room Designing Competition in Asheville and High Point North Carolina!  We didn’t win, but I got to know some great bloggers (hey Roeshel!)and had such a blast!  AND one of the best parts was going back to our old home of Asheville to see all our friends!

Casual-beach-house-themed-living-room-before-and-after-interior-design (3)

Casual-beach-house-themed-living-room-before-and-after-interior-design (4)


5. Our Family Room Remodel (almost done)

Last Christmas we started working like crazy on finishing our living room… a project that has taken us some major time!  But we are getting there, and we have new wood floors, and LOTS of moldings which makes me happy till we finish!!

Remodelaholic-living-room-current (5)Remodelaholic-living-room-current (9)

4.  Finishing our Stair Remodel!

Or technically almost finishing our stair project!  There are some random things that need to still be addressed!  (are you sensing a 90% complete pattern syndrome that we seem to be suffering with!)



3. Building The Indoor Playhouse and kitchen for the kiddos! 


Still not done all done, but here are some pictures of it currently imperfections and all… technically we still have the whole second story to finish, but so for, this is the most popular space in our house!  Lydia would play in there all day if she could!


I should have the post up about the kitchen by Tuesday!  Sorry I don’t have that all finished yet!

2011-12-21 (32)


palyhouse firepalce mantel


…And for those of you that don’t have an extra walk in closet…

I finally got the kids tee-pee tutorial up on the blog.  It only takes me a year or so to get things up on the blog!  No worries.

kids tee-pee-pattern-sewing-tutorial




2.  Adding storage to our family room! 

This project was a STRESSFUL mess, but I am SO happy we did it.  We are right in the middle of updating the faux fireplace surround…, to be bigger and better, like I had in my original plans but had to temper, because of funding and time!  I will be showing you more soon!


Just cuz I love this picture… Lydia is definitely a baby pack kinda girl!

1. Adding Lydia to our family!

She is our best best project this year by far!


God is good!


Isn’t it wonderful how, children just meld right in as if they have always been there?   Lydia, is just the sweetest little munchkin around!  She makes me laugh, all the time.  The second go round is especially fun, cuz you know what to look for, and they exceed your expectations in everything.

And with two so close in age, there is a lot of kiddie melt downs over sharing toys, Sippy cups and even just Mommy, but there is something so beautiful in watching your children love each other.  There is this wonderful kindness that you see them learn and comes out right before your eyes.  Like when your two year old pats her crying little sister to help her feel better, or says and I quote “ Lydia, I love you so much”


2011 was a great year!  Bring on 2012, this may be a year of some big changes for us(like my husband’s job transferring to Dallas, starting January 23rd…yikes!) , but I think it will be a whole lotta fun too!

Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. OH MY OH MY OH MY I LOVE your family room storage project and the kids house and omg everything else! I don’t have time to comment always but I am here and do enjoy your site 🙂 You have some of the best projects out there! I love all the project roundups that bloggers are doing….so good for me (who has only been blogging for 4 months) to see everything throughout the year in one spot! Girl, you are amazing with all these projects completed….and a NEW baby! 🙂 Happy New year!

  2. You have two beautiful girls. I can’t imagine doing all the things you do and have two little ones running around. Every thing is amazing. I hope you and your family have a Happy New Year.

  3. What a great look back to 2011! I love, love, love your kiddie play house – I think it’s my favorite project of all time. Such a perfect use of that little storage space. And your family room storage wall was such an impressive project, too. I’m so impressed with how much the two of you are able to get done with the little ones. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Tiffanie, I LOVE that rug! I am thinking that you are asking about the rug that used to be in my living room, and we moved to our family room. It is from Shaw flooring’s HGTV by Shaw line, called India, in Teal. Hope that helps! Let me know if that is that one you are asking about!

  4. Great projects. A short comment to tell you how much I like your blog. I read it avidily from France every time I can in my busy life! I dream to have my own house one day, and a bit more of spare room to “bricoler” how we say in French. Happy New Year…

    1. Welcome all the way from France! I dream of being able to speak French! But unfortunately, the 3 years I took in high school and college did me no good, cuz i was too afraid to actually speak the language! Happy New Year to you!

    1. The hard part is she is getting too big for the pack now, but still LOVES, uhem, demands to be held ALL day if she can! Such a good thing that she is SO stinkin’ cute!

  5. Great recap of 2011!! A few of those fabulous projects I had missed, so heading to read them more in detail. As always LOVE the stairs and the room you created with Roeshel! Happy New Year to you and thank you so much for sharing there with us at Inspiration Friday.


  6. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I’m now following you, so nice to meet new friends. Hope you find a spare minute to visit and follow me sometime if you like. Sending you special wishes for a wonderful New Year I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012.
    Always Wendy