Painting Over Knotty Pine Paneling; Complete Master Bedroom Redo

Painting Over Knotty Pine Paneling; 
Complete Master Bedroom Redo
When Jeff and I purchased our house we knew that we would eventually want to update our bedroom.  While we love with the size of our room, we weren’t as fond of the knotty pine (I know…I know….some people love it…but it wasn’t for us).
Here is a good shot of the knotty pine for your enjoyment.
I suggested painting the room to Jeff, but he wasn’t sold on the idea. So instead, I tried to brighten up the room with bedding & accessories. That was short lived though, because with our existing bedroom furniture….it just wasn’t working.  I was finally able to convince Jeff that the knotty pine would look great painted. 

And then I threw in some additional updates :).
First we started painting. 
We coated the walls with two coats of Kilz.
Two coats would ensure the knots wouldn’t bleed through. 
Watch out…this stuff is stinky!
Then we painted over the Kilz with what we thought was a nice light gray color. Turns out that our lighting made it look more blue than gray. 
Here is the blue for you.
 So it was back to the paint store for another version of light gray. 
Here is the final gray we found. 
It may not look like a big difference in these pics, 
but trust me the difference was huge.


Finally, we pulled up the carpet and put in new Tundra ikea floors….


We decided to keep this little built-in bookshelf as knotty pine. I added a bit of hand-painted artwork to tie-in with the other purchased wall art near the bed. I think it gives the room some character.


We finished off the renovation with some new bedding, nighstands, lamps and wall art. Just to remind you, here is the before….ugh!

And here is the after!
I can’t believe we did everything ourselves (with the help of some good friends). This room has become one of my favorite places in the house. It feels so serene and airy now. A great place to tuck into bed on these oh-so-wonderfully-cool fall evenings!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. So pretty , My daughter just moved into their first home and they have some of this that we are going to paint over for the boys play room , I love the 2nd gray you used would you be willing to share the name ? ( we’ve gone though a few gray’s and haven’t found the right one yet ) Thanks so much