Pieces of you Mosaic; Pottery Barn Inspired Art

I have whipped up a little pottery barn inspired art work tutorial for y’all.  As seen here:
See, while looking through my trusty catalog I saw this (below), and I loved the mosaic piece of art.  So, I set my trusty little mind to figuring out a way to make this for myself, and now you can too.
( like my scrawl on the picture?… that is how I remember random ideas that float around in my brain…)
Collect your supplies:
Paper cutter
Scrapbook paper 
(in the colors of your decor)
(for background, in color of your choice, I used black)
Paper glue
Modge Podge
Piece of wood or Art canvas
(mdf or osb something inexpensive!  Have this cut to your desired dimensions, 
both Home Depot and Lowes will cut 4 x 8 foot boards down, 
or they sell smaller 2′ x 4′ pieces usually on an endcap…, 
I wanted mine to fill a larger space, so I did mine at 3′ x 3′)

There you have it.  An easy work of art that can be custom made to match any decor.
Since featuring this project on Ucreate, I have had a great response and I wanted to show you one of the projects that was submitted to me.   Rose sent this, and she used 2 x 2 squares.  
It looks great, and I bet the larger size saved a lot of time!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Ooh, mosaics are so pretty. I love the colors you chose! It looks really, really good.

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts

  2. >What a great project for us DIYers! I love it when you can find something you love and create it yourself – and for a fraction of the cost! Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired this week!


  3. >Wow, this is really fantastic! Did you dream of little squares! Thanks for linking up!

  4. >Oh this is great! I love it..thanks for the tut on making it. ♥

    I'm visiting today from your link at Somewhat Simple for Strut Your Stuff Thursday.

    I hope you will drop by my place to see my fabric flower designs. ♥

    Have a wonderful Spring day…

    Stephanie ♥

  5. >That is very cool. Was it frustrating getting all of the one inch pieces to fit? 36 x 36 is a LOT of pieces!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day!

  6. >Have I told you lately that I think you're amazing?! 😉 Great tutorial and beautiful artwork. Thanks for linking to the DIY Project Parade…sorry I'm late but I'm so glad to catch up!


  7. >Great tut! I did something like this using paint chips for my daughter's room..

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday! Please join me next week for another great party!

  8. >That looks amazing!! I think it's just what I've been looking for and can't wait to try my own – I love, love, love the colors you chose!

    Popp'n over from your YHL headboard tutorial, I'm sure I'll be back!

  9. This is fabulous! Thanks for the tutorial! I just have one question, you said to use paper glue do you mean like Elmer’s glue? Also the modge podge, how did you apply without messing up the paper tiles? Did you just brush it on? Thanks for your help!

  10. LOVE this idea. Quick question though, how much scrapbook paper did you use? I would also like to second #55 Faith’s question, how did you apply the Modge Podge and what kind of paper glue are you referring to? Thank you so much for posting this!!!

    1. Lily, as far as scrap book paper goes really you only need about 10 sheets, (they are 1 foot square so it depends on how big your canvas is, mine was aobut 9 square feet) I used regular modge podge, and just brushed it on with a big foam brush. The paper glue I used was just some random glue I had left over from a class in college, so i can’t tell you the brand, but it was similar to elmers, in a little dispenser that was like a pen to make it easy to apply…. hope that helps! Good Luck

  11. I was wondering if you had a system made up for how you picked out the colors so randomly to glue down? I don’t think you have any doubled up colors anywhere on there!

    1. Misty, I had a stack of about 12 different paper “tiles”. Each tile was slightly different because of the print of the paper. I laid out my rows, a side at a time from the outside in, and glued down each row as I ;aid them out and liked how they looked. I just eyeballed the design. I wanted random, so If it looked to cookie cutter, I just changed it before gluing the paper in place.

  12. I bet it would be even easier if you could find a square punch! I can’t cut straight even with a paper cutter. Great work!

  13. I see the last one has a frame around it. Do you think Michael’s or a similar store would do this? I’m trying to figure out how to make sure the ends of the square are capped off properly and not showing any of the wood or canvas.

    1. When you paint the background, you can paint the edges the same color. Or you could of course pay to have it custom framed… Or better yet, by a standard size canvas so that you can buy a standard size frame at like hobby lobby for example. Good Luck!