Progress Report Numero Uno; Testing A New look with Paper

Time for a reality check people….

When I started remodeling my first two houses (Logan and Downing), I didn’t really know about blogs.  And guess what?  I did what ever I wanted.  I wasn’t concerned if it was cool enough, or if I was clever when I wrote about it.  I tried whatever I wanted to at the time.

Do you wanna know what happened?  Some things were temporary, some things permanent, some exciting, some things boring… but in th end, I liked it.  Our goal of being able to sell the house and earn money happened both times (even when we bought at the highest point in the Asheville market and sold at the lowest…)

But beyond that, I had fun.  I wasn’t confused about what I wanted, I just did what I thought I liked, through whatever inspiration surrounded me.

Then in October 2009 I really started blogging… I wanted to make this blog a place for people to come and learn things and enjoy.   So, I stopped posting about my cats (poor babies) and I showed less of my children… (and I am telling you you are missing out, cuz they are super cute) I tried to be informative, I tried to keep up with the blogging Jones-es, and I totally lost my nerve.

I had another baby and was slapped with reality!  Smack!

Blogging about big projects is hard… heck showering is hard… having money to spend on anything besides diapering those two little bums is nearly impossible.

So what now?  I do LITTLE TINY PROJECTS because of time.  But I haven’t posted about 90% of the things we have done cuz it isn’t a huge or cool or a pottery barn knock off just simple before and afters but I realized something.  Cue the aha moment… thanks Oprah!

It doesn’t have to be huge, and you don’t even have to like it… but it is my reality and truth right now, and in the end that is how we sell our house.  One little tiny update at a time… even if our couches don’t match or we choose the wrong living room rug… or I wear my pajamas all day(and so do my kids) while it is accomplished…

Well, because of this, I have come to a decision, I am going to start doing progress reports.  I will not strain my little mothering-sidetracked mind to be too clever.  I will not try to explain everything- I could talk the hind leg off a mule people.  I am just going to show a few pictures of some of the things we have done lately or that day, or never posted about from forever ago.

Sound fair?  I hope I don’t bore you… and I am giving you fair warning that my cats might creep back into my blog… they need some attention, they used to be our only children after all, so they have fallen from that glorious existence… and need some extra love.

and why wait right, (since it may never happen again if I do) Let me give my first progress report then.  The other day I showed you a picture of some white shelves with black interiors that I found inspiring.  Well we just finished building our shelves, and while I like them a lot… they were still missing something… Because I don’t have time to re-paint several times, I tired it out with paper, to see if I liked the way it would look..

and I was sold…

Tell me what you think!  (Please don’t judge the super short drapes… I am aware, they look sorta silly!  At some point there will be a  window seat there, and technically they are just push-pinned in place to see what they would look like! and will probably be there looking silly for another 4 months before anything changes… talk about reality people!)

Way before… (I can’t believe I forgot to take a before picture, I almost never do that! URGH!)
 After:  ( I only had so much paper…)
This post was made possible by Barbie and the Diamond Castle… as you can see in the image above!
(or else I wouldn’t have had the chance to do anything…)
Uh, no I haven’t staged the shelves, at all.
I will be back with pictures of the painting process hopefully soon!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I am a new follower. I am sitting and going through old posts…Fabulous!
    As a working mom of two kids I am busy. My kids are getting older (6&3) and I can get projects done sometimes…
    We moved into our fourth house one year ago. We knew it had potential to be special. We’ve done minor changes to be able to move in like, new carpets upstairs, paint and add crown molding (only to hide the cracked corners or it would have waited). My husband is close to having the basement finished (not done but usable).
    I look around and hate things not being done but money and time make us take things slowly.
    Your blog has shown me that it will get there…eventually! And it will look like what it looks like in my head (even though I am not 100% sure what I want…hahaha)
    Thank you!!

    1. YAY! I am so glad to hear it.. I get down about projects getting done too! But I think the time and money factor is a real life situation. Most people don’t have the extra cash to get it all done at once, it just can’t happen. Anyway! I am happy I am bale to help motivate you! I know you will get there! It sounds like you’ve done a lot already! Time is all you need now!