Projects resurfacing…

I can’t believe that we have lived in Texas for almost 11 months. It has gone by very fast, (looking back). While we have been very busy, moving in, barfing for 4 months, nesting, then waddling, not sleeping etc, we haven’t done much on the house, by way of major changes.

This has actually been hard on me. For the last 7 years of our 8 we have been remodeling houses (we even did quite a few remodeling projects to our apartment the first year). I love to remodel. I love the work, I even admire the look of a ripped apart room because I know what it will be after. Luckily, Justin is the most stellar of craftsmen. I love the designing and finishing.
Well, this house has been great because of the space, but as for charm… there is none! Which is actually what I want when buying a house because it makes it harder to sell to others. BUT- I can stand it no more. We started working last weekend on our first real project. My brain is reeling with design ideas. Here then, is the first phase of our remodel for our living room/dining/kitchen/entry room (why yes, that is too many spaces in one).
WAY Before:
Those were the original pictures of the house as it was during our walk through. Here are some of the in-between befores. In these images, we have changed the lighting (besides the kitchens fluorescent, removed the old breakfast bar, painted the wall green and added the drapes etc.
I have wanted to delineate the spaces a little more in our house. Not to cut them off completely, but all the openness has been almost too much. We had been throwing around the idea of adding a column, I asked Justin to frame two for me to see how they would feel (then I covered them in paper so they were solid…) Here is our test shot.
We immediately liked it. I was afraid it might make the space feel smaller. Surprisingly, it has made both spaces feel bigger, because it encompasses previously unused space and gives it more of a purpose. Also, we will be able to add some more cabinets to the kitchen.
After our “column” test, I drew up the basic plan, shown below. This is that plan, it also shows the future kitchen updates. Also art that my sister is printing for me of the SLC temple. I will show you when I get them back we took the pictures last June). We will also be moving the piano out.
Now we are in the middle of dry walling. Can’t wait to show you the finals in a few weeks. I LOVE projects! (and I love how great Justin is at doing the hard work, THANK you honey!)
This is the entry. I painted it with a mis-mixed paint a few months ago, when I was pregnant and bored. Although, I don’t love the color, I plan on going darker later. I hung the shelf as an entry table, since space in limited and the picture collage. I changed out the pictures today I will show you those soon. By far though, my favorite change was when I painted the door black, also with mis-mixed paint. For one dollar I have a beautiful stunning black door, and I love it! I would recommend it to anyone.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Oh, I am so envious of your design abilities. I think the new changes will be lovely! I LOVE black doors. My front door is black… and get this. Even though it doesn't sound like it would be lovely… all the baseboards and the interior doors on the main level of my home are black too. I was scared to try it at first, but really, really love it.

    Good luck finishing up! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. >Wow you guys are a great team between your designs and Justin's craftsmanship. Talk about putting value into your home. Stunning. Can't wait for the finished picture.

  3. >I've said it before, I'll say it again…you guys seriously need your own TV show! (I would SO watch it everyday!!) 🙂

    I love the new "design" of your living area/kitchen/entry. Fabulous–just fabulous!!

  4. >Oh my gosh, I love it! I want to do that do but unfortuanatly I don't have a husband who will do it- I have to pay someone!! Not fair! Its beautiful!

  5. >I know I saw the design last week, but it is seriously beautiful! I love the feel it adds to your home. You are very talented!

  6. >The columns are perfect to divide the spaces just the way you want. The archways look so much more inviting as well and give some design to your mixture of rooms. So when are you coming to visit so you can give me some design tips? 🙂

  7. >That is just fan-tab-u-lous!!! Keep up the good work, and inspiration for the wrest of us. Speaking of inspiration… I peek in on some of the blog links you had for cooking, decorating, organizing, and wow I have been motivated!! Hope that was ok.

    Has it been 11months since ya'll have been gone?? Wow! Well your still missed, and you must plan your first trip back here once Etta gets older! Love ya!

  8. >I am in awe. What great ideas! I can't wait to see the finished projects.

    Did Justin always know how to do this? Or did he pick up on it as you remodeled houses? I'm wondering how one goes about getting their husbands to learn things like this…just kidding. [But it would be a nice hobby to have in the family]. 🙂

  9. >I am sooo excited that I talked with Annie and was able to get your blog address, I hope you don't mind! I have actually been thinking about you guys over the past few years and was wondering how you were! I would love to talk with you or email you some time, you are one of my heroes and i have a few q's! thanks!

  10. >Hey Amanda,
    I hope you get this response because I don't have a way to contact you.

    So anyway, we did build the columns, and it was pretty easy. First you build the column portion, just like framing a normal wall. A samll 1 foot piece on the top and bottom then the long 8 foot pieces between. You can also put a short (9inch support in the center (so it is like a digital clocks 8… if that makes sense)

    Now you secure that in place, to the next wall, floor and ceiling.

    Then he installed cleats to the ceiling and column where the arch is going. (these cleat are not the regular 2×4 width, it needs to be cut down so that you can install the OSB over them to form the arch) so they were something like 2 1/2 inches thick.

    Next you cut some OSB into a rectangle that is the proper dimensions of space, for example 6 feet by 16 inches. Then you take a scroll saw or skil saw and cut out the arch. You need two of these, one for each side. one at a time you screw them into the cleats (that are already in place and secure!)

    Then you want to put some braces on the bottom (same width and the cleats) You will need these so you can secure the drywall and or moldings.

    I hope that helps. If you ahve more questions email me through the contact us so I can get back with you dirstly and I might be able to find some pictures of how we did it!

    Cassity @ remodelaholic