Read between the lines; Striped Entry Hall

Nice entry update.  I like the new look of this striped entry hall.  Jenn at Jenn’s Corner of Heaven took a bold step with big stripes.
Striped  entry wall horizontal wall stripes  (4)
I did it. I striped my hallway. And with zero help.Thanks to Kathleen for the awesome tips. Check out her hallway.  The curved wall in the entry really makes the space unique. But it was so plain.
View from the dining room before:
Striped  entry wall horizontal wall stripes  (1)
From front door before:
Striped  entry wall horizontal wall stripes  (2)
Looking towards front door before:
Striped  entry wall horizontal wall stripes  (3)
View from dining room after:
Striped  entry wall horizontal wall stripes  (4)
View from front door after:
Striped  entry wall horizontal wall stripes  (5)
Looking towards front door after:
Striped  entry wall horizontal wall stripes  (7) 
Striped  entry wall horizontal wall stripes  (7)
I’m really digging the look. However, it’s like buying a new dress with no purse, shoes or jewelry to match. I need to accessorize!Entire hallway cost me about $25 bucks (I only used half a can of each paint) and approximately 9 hours of my life.
What do you think?


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Definitely tricky with the accessorizing… But not impossible! I love it! It really compliments the curves in the walls too.

  2. >That is VERY awesome. I have been wanting to do that in our downstairs bathroom, but I'm TOO scared. Can't make a straight line to save my life!!

  3. >very bold..i like it although i don't know if i am that bold to do it in my house..but those people that have the guts to try looks great!!

  4. >you're very creative… i think small frames that could fit inside the lines would be great too. just put the small frames inside the lines alternately. just an idea, have a nice day!

  5. >I adore this. And this is so weird, but I used almost the same colours in my striped room. Bravo for making your home exactly how you like it.

  6. >I think it made it a grand entrance. I'm guessing you used that frog tape…we put some stripes in my son's room and I would promote that product for free!

  7. >I wonder if this would work in my hallway? It sure does make a statement. It especially looks good with the curve.

  8. >Absolutely love it! It makes it exciting and fun, but still grown up because of the color palette.

  9. >This is totally awesome..I just found your blog…adding it to my Reader 🙂 Love everything so far 🙂

  10. That looks absolutely fabulous! I am thinking about doing that to a wall in my dining room…would you mind sharing the names of the two colors you used?