Review of Blog Goals 2011

Last year, I had all these goals… ha, ha.

Then I had a (darling sweet) baby, my second…. and life turned a little skiwampus… you see they simply do not nap at the same time.  So the change from one cute little girl that napped twice a day, to two girls, tag team napping, and needing mommy all day long, took it’s toll.

To be honest, we actually got a TON done this year, considering the change.  But I blogged about 1/8th of it, and I just never got control over the blogging part of projects.  I figured out what my problem is.  I feel like I need the post to be start to finish… then I realized something.  I don’t do projects start to finish.   I am not a television show, I am a mom, who can’t stand the drapes one day, and the next day I realize that I desperately need new storage for the winter hats… I am an impulsive designer, and that is just how I am.

Then we made the move to WordPress, not as smoothly as I had hoped… but we will get there eventually…

Okay so let’s sum up the 2011 goals…

1. Catch up on all the projects I hadn’t blogged aboutFAIL!  Double Fail! Whoops!

It has just gotten even worse.  BUT I am trying to turn over a new leaf and blog about what I am currently doing in real time.  And I am liking this a lot more.  It is really helping me to enjoy my blog, and get some good feed back ( I love all your comments!).  I do have a few projects I want to show you, but I think I just basically need to move on and if you see the old stuff great, if you don’t shame on me… and you will just have to ask for the details if you need them… and I will try to answer via the comment section!

2. Post once a week about what we are doing.

Semi Success!  Okay, so I may have not done very well at keeping up, but I did at least post once a week so I am counting this one as a success… we all need some positive reinforcement from ourselves.

3. 4 tutorials by me.  Success!

Wow, I am feeling much better about myself than I thought I would upon reviewing these goals

Newel Posts

Office desk

Scrabble Family Names

Kid’s Tee-pee

and a few random crafts!

4. Getting some contributors.  Success, well sorta…

I have some great graphic designers offering you all free pintables now.  Yea for free!

5. Be more personal.  Decent start… but I need and still  to work on this… see look a picture…

I have really been doing some soul searching over the last 2 or 3 months, I have recognized a LOT of my weaknesses and  I am working on this.  I really think that I have a good plan to remedy my lack of personal info, and it may happen more slowly, but it will happen.  If I do what I want to do, which is keep up with my projects in real time, the blog will naturally become a little more personal.  Which makes me excited!

6. Post less often.  Yep!

Strange goal, but I actaully have been posting less.  I used to post 3 times a day almost every day.  Now it is about 2 post per day, 6 days a week.  I am happy with these changes.  Recently I was able to hire my sweet, beautiful niece Eliza who just started college to help take the load off.  She is helping me schedule guest features, and has a super flexible job- win/win.  More time with my girls = happier momma!

7. Be less of a perfectionist. Work in progress.

I actually think I am getting better at this.  Being able to show you a non finished project is a huge step for me toward this goal.  And considering I rarely fully finish a project, this is probably a good thing for me.

Well, those were my goals.  This was not as painful as I thought it would be.  I think I was easy on myself with goals, but still, I have a lot of work that I would like to do.  So, here’s to some new goals…  I will try to have some new ones up next week.


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Have you all been successful with your goals? Let me know!

Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Dear Cassity, I had no idea that your youngest is still so young! I admire how you have managed getting done all your projects plus treating us with those many great posts!
    Thank you for sharing this post about your goals of 2011 – I think I learnt more about that wonderful person who creates about 2 nice reading breaks a day for me 🙂
    I wish you a happy 2012 that leaves you satisfied with the journey you walk/swim/fly through it! 🙂

  2. I am not much for goal setting. I hate to disappointment myself. I am very much more spontaneous. I think I need to set goals too. You are doing a great job! Your girls are adorable btw. Happy New Year!

  3. Cassity, I’d say being able to get ANYthing accomplished is a success when you have a new baby and toddler in the house!!! I am so impressed because I don’t know if I would have been able to get my thoughts together enough to write blog posts, let alone work on my house, when my kids were that small, so congrats on all you have accomplished….most importantly bringing a new little life into the world!!
    Happy new year and thanks for all the inspirations you provide over here 2x a day 6 days a week! 🙂

  4. Hi thanks for sharing. I am just starting to blog. I really love it, but already I have found that I need to write about what I’m actually doing. If I wait then I won’t have the right pictures and I forget stuff, and then I’ve moved on and it’s a wasted opportunity. I also write down all these ideas so I need to find a way to display them and get my inspiration flowing. I’m going to sit down and really think about my goals for next year. Since I’m new I’m really looking to get more followers and I’d love some advertisers obviously, and I’d love to be a contributor somewhere to get my name and blog out there. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I like the idea of setting goals every year better than making New Year’s resolutions. I made a resolution many years ago not to make any more resolutions, and I’ve managed to keep that one. I think the nice thing about goals is they’re flexible; they aren’t a pass or fail thing like resolutions are.

    Looking forward to see “less” of you in 2012 and getting more personal! Happy New Year!

  6. As I was drafting up my latest blog on resolutions and goal I thought I would take a break and catch up on some of my favorite bloggers and came across this post. I’m so impressed that you’re able to blog as much as you do with all that is going on around you! Thank you so much for sharing! Happy New Year!

  7. I have been pondering upon what kinds of goals I should be setting for the New Year. Simple will be best as I am still learning to balance my time.

    You are doing amazing for having 2 small daughters.

  8. Thinking back to when I had little ones, I’m amazed you can blog at all! 🙂 Just launched our life renovation blog last fall, and already realizing that our projects aren’t going to get done in any kind of neat, blog-friendly way. And that’s OK by me (which I wrote about in our last post). Also realizing that the blogs I read regularly are those that seem written by real people. It’s the personality of the writer more than the projects that make me a regular reader. Found yours last week, and look forward to seeing what you do in the coming year.

    1. Welcome! It has taken me a while to figure out my priorities… It is good that you are already figuring out yours! It makes this hobby much more fun!

  9. I absolutely love your blog. I cannot think of much you can do to make it better. Thanks for taking the time that you do to put it out. I cannot imagine how you manage it with two little ones. Happy New Year!

  10. Can’t wait to learn more about you and your family. I can’t believe all of the project you do with a small family. Have a safe and happy New Year!

  11. I think sharing your goals and whether you suceeded or not is not only personal but very brave. I will enjoy reading more about you and your girls in the coming year.

  12. Well, I just want to let you know that you are amazing, and you and your daughters are beautiful!! After I had my second baby, I had to stop working, mostly because the load was too big; 2 kids and owning my own business was too much! I’m impressed with what you do, and wish you weren’t so hard on yourself! (now with all the kids at home for Christmas break I can’t even find the time to shower, much less blog for fun!) Take care of yourself!

    Leanne @ Because (I think) I Can

    1. Thank you! (and) Oh my goodness! That is such a truth about showering! I LOVE it when my husband is home and i can say, you feed them breakfast while I shower. It is amazing what is a luxury when you have two little kids around.