Search Results for: label/Kitchens

Lengthening Dining Room Drapes
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Lengthening Dining Room Drapes

Lengthening Dining Room Drapes Submitted By A Happy Place Called Home You saw me post the other day about my rainy adventurous trip to the fabric store.  Well, I worked hard this weekend to get all of my other task items done before today so that I could celebrate Presidents Day (Queue President’s theme music here…Dun Da Da Dun Dun…

Make Your Own Blue Glass Jars Tutorial
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Make Your Own Blue Glass Jars Tutorial

Submitted By A Happy Place Called Home No, I’m not having crazy preggo cravings (cuz I’m not preggo)…and no, I haven’t lost my mind either!  I just happened to make some candles out of some saved up jars that used to be in the fridge…holding food. Honestly, most of these jars would typically wind up…