Revolutionize Your Home with These 12 Space Planning Tips!

Effective space planning is essential in creating functional, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing environments in both residential and commercial spaces. Whether you’re designing a new room, renovating an existing space, or simply looking to optimize your living or working area, having a well-thought-out space plan can make all the difference. 

Here are twelve of the best tips to help you create the best space plans anyone has ever come across. 

12. Avoid Over-furnishing

Furniture Proportions
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Less can be more. Give your furniture some breathing room. Over-furnishing can make a space feel cluttered and smaller than it is.

11. Prioritize Proportions

Man Sitting On Couch
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Ensure your furniture suits the scale of the room. An oversized sofa in a small room can feel overwhelming, while tiny pieces in a large space might seem lost.

10. Use a Human Design

Home Interior
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It almost goes without saying—unless you’re going for a sci-fi aesthetic, it’s smart to always aim for something that looks human. After all, people enjoy designs they can relate to because familiarity breeds appreciation! Keep it real when deciding what way to go—there’s nothing like the classics!

9. Leverage the Architecture

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As you start mapping out your space, the architecture of the building plays an important role. Don’t go off on a tangent, but think carefully about how this structure will potentially limit or expand what you can do; otherwise, you may find yourself in quite a tricky spot come time to stick to that plan!

8. Lighting Is Important

Elegant Lightings
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Lighting is so often overlooked in space planning, yet it’s one of the most crucial components. When done right, lighting can properly illuminate your space and truly accentuate its beauty. No matter what you do, if the lighting isn’t spot on, then all of your hard work could go down the drain!

7. Define Your Space

Work Place
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It would help if you set specific positions for things. Defining the position of each place in your space keeps you organized and focused and minimizes the chance of hoarding unnecessary items.

6. Make the Space Accessible

Man Going Inside The Building
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There’s nothing that hurts more than an inaccessible space. If you’ve considered the building design, you’ll easily design your space so that it is highly accessible. 

5. Function Over Aesthetics

Functional Workspace
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One thing you must not do is prioritize aesthetics over function when planning any space. Although aesthetics are important, you must ensure that everything included in your plan functions properly. 

4. Leverage Space Planning Software

Digital Space Planning
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To stay on top of your space planning, utilizing design software is a must. You’ll be able to make the most of every inch, so it’s definitely worth your while! There are plenty of options when it comes to space planning, but Revit, AutoCAD, or SketchUp work well for both beginners and professionals.

3. Experiment

Innovative Space
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Figuring out your layout can be daunting without checking how furniture will fit into the space. Placing some furnishings ahead of time is key for giving you crucial intel about what will work best in that area. After putting some pieces where they belong, you’ll know exactly what changes to make; this way, there are zero barriers to hopping around. 

2. Make Sketches

Space Plan Sketch
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Before diving into anything else, it’s essential to sketch out your plans after taking measurements. Sketching will spare you a whole lot of hassle because you can be sure that everything will fit perfectly in the space with careful consideration for object placements and all.

1. Take Measurements

Measure Furniture
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Alright, your quest for space planning starts here! To launch it successfully, you must begin by taking measurements of the area, furniture, and objects you plan to work with. Get these figures correct right off the bat; they can give you a real leg up on efficiently managing designated spaces.

Space planning is an art that combines functionality and aesthetics to create harmonious environments. Whether you’re designing a home, office, or any other space, these 10 tips will serve as your foundation for successful space planning. Remember that your space plan should adapt to your evolving needs and personal style, so don’t hesitate to tweak it as necessary.

With a well-thought-out space plan, you can transform any area into a comfortable, efficient, and visually pleasing space that reflects your unique personality and preferences.

Home Trends Going Out of Style

Man Regretting
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Jump on board the time machine, and let’s check out some old home design trends that are so yesterday. We’re talking about things that used to be cool but now make us go, “Huh?” Here are 15 outdated home trends that need a major makeover!

What is a Terrible Home Design Trend?

Upset Women
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Sometimes we dream of building a new home, and what great ideas we have for it.  But we don’t want to make big mistakes, what are the horrible new home trends that we want to avoid?

10 Home Renovations that can Decrease its Value

Suprise Renovations
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

With increasing interest rates and mortgage prices, getting the most value for your home is imperative. Homeowners and real estate agents speak about the renovations that could decrease the value of your home and why. Here are the renovations to look out for.

Declutter Fast: 7 Items Experts Say Must Go!

Cluttered Desk Lady Shutterstock 95079337
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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