Suitcase Refinished with Chalkboard Paint

Suitcase Refinished with Chalkboard Paint
I’m very excited about this post! It features one of my favorite makeovers to date and trashy treasure. Seriously. Found him/her (I’m not sure yet) next to the trash cans outside my apartment building. Score.
First up- this vintage suitcase I found at the local antique shop.
DSC_4830 suitcase-refinished-with-chalkboard-paint
It was nice as is and I did like the color but there were some imperfections that bothered me.  I bought some chalkboard paint a while ago with nothing particular in mind. This seemed like the perfect first project.
I primed it first with some gray spray primer.
Then I gave it a couple coats of chalkboard paint, making sure to let it dry the full four hours in between coats.
The worst part about chalkboard paint, you ask? WAITING THREE DAYS TO WRITE ON IT. THREE DAYS! I like instant gratification. Thankfully I didn’t have chalk or I would have drawn on it the next morning haha.  Here it is (atop my curbside find) patiently waiting to be drawn on.
I actually liked it like this. I love the matte finish. But I was itching to put some chalk on it.
Finally, I was able to “season it.” This is super important. You have to rub chalk all over it and rub it in before you write on it. If you don’t, what ever you write will be burned into the surface. And we don’t want that!
Ok. I’ve kept you waiting long enough! 
The quote is a lyric from one of my favorite songs ever, “Trapeze Swinger” by Iron & Wine.
Here’s a full shot of my curbside find. It’s solid and in pretty good shape. I wouldn’t be surprised if it came from one of the graduating seniors haha. I have no shame.
I’m excited to work on it when I get the time. I may even keep it for my own place.
So, what do you think? I think I might use it as a prop for some senior pictures I’ll be taking soon. I’m in love!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. This is so cute. Just when I think I have seen all the ways to use chalkboard paint someone comes up with another brilliant use.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Did you use a chalk board paint in the spray can form? I have an old suitcase that sits on the luggage stand in my guest room. Love your project and want to do the same- Thanks!