Sweet Potato with Greens and Bourbon Soup

School is back in session and the season is changing. Welcome, beautiful fall recipes! This rich, golden soup is uniquely Southern with the sweetness of the potato enhanced by the addition of bourbon. Enjoy this sweet potato with greens and bourbon soup tonight!

Sweet Potato with Greens and Bourbon Soup | FOODIEaholic.com #recipe #cooking #fall soup #sweetpotato #greens #bourbon


Sweet Potato with Greens and Bourbon Soup

Sweet Potato with Greens and Bourbon Soup
Recipe Type: Soup
Author: Foodieaholic
Serves: 4-6
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 4-5 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced roughly
  • 6 cups chicken stock or broth, fresh or canned
  • 1/4-1/3 cup bourbon
  • 1 tsp or more LoSalt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup fresh greens, turnips, greens, collards or sweet potato leaves
  1. Melt the butter in a large skillet. Add a layer of potatoes and brown on both sides. Remove and repeat until all are browned.
  2. Add 5 cups of the chicken stock. Cook, covered, until the potatoes are tender enough for a fork to pierce them easily.
  3. When they are tender, purée the solids using an immersion wand blender, food processor, or sturdy blender, adding liquid as necessary to create a smooth texture.
  4. Return to the soup. Taste. Stir in as much of the remaining cup of chicken stock as is necessary for a medium-thick soup.
  5. Add the bourbon and bring to the boil. Season as needed with LoSalt and pepper.
  6. Roll the greens into a cylinder shape and sliver. Stir into the soup.
Variation: Omit the greens and bourbon, add 1 tablespoon fresh chopped ginger or curry to the puree before returning to the soup.

Sweet Potato with Greens and Bourbon Soup | FOODIEaholic.com #recipe #cooking #fall soup #sweetpotato #greens #bourbon

Special thanks to Nathalie Dupree and LoSalt for this delicious fall soup recipe!

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