The Stats, Month 6

Sunday is going to be our family post day, hope you don’t mind.  Can you believe that Etta has been here for almost 6 months?  It is so strange, 6 months is such a short amount of time, but it seems like she has always been here, yet it is all so new.  Either way, I LOVE having her here. 

P.S.  Check out the cute hat I crocheted about a year before I got pregnant.  I made two matching hats, maybe I should do a giveaway and tutorial!  They are super easy and fun to make, perfect for a “watching t.v.-multi tasking”project.

Here are the latest stats (technically a few weeks earlier than 6 months!):
Around 45-50% weight 15 lbs exact
75% Height 26 1/4″

She is starting to even out a little in size, which the doctor says in normal.  And the saddest news for me is that she is now ready to start eating food.  Well, you know what I mean, rice cereals etc.  I am actually having a hard time with this, although I plan to continue nursing, it just makes me sad that she is getting so grown up! (It is all relative people!)  I thought I would be so excited, not quite.

She is just as adorable as ever.  This is what she is up to right now.   She is really interested in her feet, and what sounds she can make with her fingernails (scratching things).  She also talks a whole lot more.  She enjoys sticking out her tongue and loves to get yours if she has the opportunity.  She wants to stand most of the time.   She rolls over on to her side, but still hates tummy time.  If we help her roll over on to her tummy, she rolls right back over to her back on her own.   She is actually pretty good at sitting up for short periods of time, although she has been good at that for awhile.  She loves to dance and when I make funny noises and dance around with her, well that is her favorite. 

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Sadie is 17 lbs and 27 inches tall (25% for weight, 50% for height). Your 6 month old could eat my 10 month old! I would love to see how to make that hat!

  2. >Love the hat! Would love to have you link to this at my blog linking party, still open Today!
    @ Hope to see you there!

  3. >Love the hat! This is on my list of things to do this year. Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

  4. I’ve been looking at your blog for a while now, but just decided to go back to the beginning and read the whole thing. I love the posts about your daughter because 1) she is so cute! and 2) My little girl was born on the same day, only a couple years later (2011). It’s fun to see your baby doing the same things at the same time of year as mine. My daughter was almost exactly like this (she’s even close to the same weight and height) last month! It will be interesting to continue reading and see what I might have to look forward too when Peri grows as old as your child.

    I also wanted to say how I love your remodeling and crafting ideas, as I am trying to make our home more homelike (sadly, we rent, so we can’t do a lot) and your blog has given me wonderful ideas and lots of inspiration! Thank you!