Welcome to Earth!

Great news travels fast in the email/facebook world, Justin sent 1 email to our parents to be forwarded to family… and then when we got home, we had about 20 new messages from all ya’ll… It was a fun welcome home! But news is apparently a little slower in my blogging world. But anyway, guess who decided to make an early appearance…

This little girl of ours,

And WOW is she fun!
I will write more when I have another hand free…
For now she was born Wednesday night, and weighted 8 lbs 5 oz and was a little over 20 inches long. She has already changed so much, but here are a few pics to keep you satisfied, until I get more than… 6 hours of sleep in a 36 hour period.
Here she is after happy hour in boob land.
Check out that double. And that inch long chocolate brown hair.
According to Grandma and Grandpa, Daddy has a miniature version of himself in his daughter.
But don’t worry, Mommy gave her a tiny momento of herself, the space between her first two toes… a very useful feature, I might add!
Our first photo session after her bath.

Nap time with mommy this morning. It is hard for mommy to sleep when she just wants to look at the little faces this princess makes while she sleeps.

Daddy time at the hospital, and Mommy taking the little present home from the hospital.
Flowers from G and G and Justin’s brothers and sisters.

Getting a shot with eyes open is not easy quite yet. They are really only open from 12:00 am to 5:00 am…. and the camera crews aren’t around.
The thinker.
More to come. . .
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >She is just perfect! Love all the hair and the chub. I imagine you are in heaven. What a little sweetie! Miss you guys!

  2. >What a little miracle!! She's absolutely perfect and looks like she's right on time, not early! I can't wait to hear all the details as well as the fun surprises as you get to know your beautiful daughter.

  3. >I just teared up when I saw the pics of you and Justin finally holding your own little miracle. Over the moon happy for the three of you!! Love to you all!

  4. >I have been watching and watching your blog. I am SOOOO HAPPY for you Cassity and Justin!!! WOWOWOWOWOWO. She is a total 'take my breath away' and say out loud "OH MY" BE-AUTIFUL Baby. Love the name Etta. So classic and beautiful. She is a perfect combination of you both. Oh dear….I'm getting baby hungry again. And Ruby is only 8 months yesterday. I'm signing off. 🙂 Congratulations to you!

  5. >What a beautiful girl! I love her little toes and fingers. Welcome to the world Etta! Congrats to Mom & Dad. Can't wait to see her in person. 😀


  6. >Oh, I love her. What a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations and big hugs! Hope that you're doing well, and enjoying your fun new family. Much love.