Holiday Traditions Ideas

It’s been fun taking a peek into other homes this month to see how they decorate and celebrate Christmas and other December holidays.  Just in case you missed them, you can click over to see holiday mantels and Christmas trees.  Today, I want to share some ideas I’ve found for making memories with your loved ones by having Christmas traditions.  I’ve found some unique ideas that anyone can use to put a little merry back into Christmas or to refocus on the true reason for the season.

Also, I’d like to invite you to linkup your holiday projects, today.  I’d love it if you’d share the things you’ve been working on recently that are bringing Christmas cheer into your home.  Seasonal decor and vignettes, Christmas trees, mantels, handmade ornaments, gift ideas, yummy recipes, crafts for kids,  and more are the kinds of things I’d love for you to share with all of us.  You’ll find the linky button at the end of this post.  You can link up from now until Christmas day, and I’ll feature links that caught my eye next week.  Here’s a button you can grab for your blog or pin to Pinterest to encourage others to join in, too:


 Before you link up, here are some Christmas traditions that look pretty special.
71 Toes card display  Displaying Christmas Cards at 71 Toes
Parenting Santa's key

Santa’s Special Key at Parenting (great for families without fireplaces)

Smashed Peas & Carrots cookies

Melting Snowman Cookies at Smashed Peas and Carrots

Connecting Family and Seoul hot cocoa bar

Holiday Hot Cocoa Bar at Connecting Family & Seoul

Martha Stewart Christmas Crackers

Christmas Crackers at Martha Stewart

Sunnyside Up favorite things

Favorite Things Party at Sunnyside Up

Dollar Store Mom Christmas can

Christmas Can at Dollar Store Mom (great way to make family memories)

Eighteen25 holiday plans

Holiday Plans List at Eighteen25

{Featured pictures and button picture from Better Homes & Gardens}

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  1. Hi, I follow you on FB and it’s my first time at your party! Yeayyyy!!!! so exciting! I started blogging a little over a month now and I’m very happy to be here sharing my ideas. Thanks for the opportunity and Happy Holidays