Oh-ho ho Pretty Beads… Craft Room Organization

What movie is the first part of that title from?  Anyone?

Cinderella, can’t you just see Gus-Gus getting all excited about the beads for Cinderelly and the big fat Lucifer running over to sit on the necklace?….

Anyway,  I have been trying to organize my craft rooms for months.  A while back, I decided that all interior items(meaning not tools in the garage) that have anything to do with creativity needed to be in one space.  So, I started collecting from around my house.  It is amazing how far the paintbrushes and watercolor paper have been from each other for so long.

Well, it is not like I work on the space everyday, or even every other day but I have been working on my craft room for MONTHS now.  It has been whipping me good!  I go in there to clean it and end up making a bigger mess than I started with, get discouraged, shut the door and leave it for another week or two.  (obviously, I haven’t been using it for crafting, let alone using any of the junk I am storing…)

I am all over the place with this post, and I am about to go even further.  A few weeks ago, I went to a thrift store and found this great 3 leveled spice rack with the cutest little glass bottles, with glass stoppers. (I already have two similar spice racks unused at my house- I may have a problem!, no I don’t have time to see a counselor!)  And I thought I could use it for my craft room.  Here is what I did.


This was it, I think I got it for $4.00-ish. I dumped all the spices, then took them all apart carefully and cleaned the little bottles like crazy- say no to curry smelling beads!
After it looked like this:
I decided to paint it the same color as my the peg board ( I had like 2 tablespoons of paint left, it worked out perfectly) .  There are a lot of things going on this peg board and I wanted it to not be too busy looking… We’ll see if I succeed.
How I did it:
I sanded off the word Spices before painting, and rubbed a few of the edges with a candle.  Then I painted really thin coats with a foam brush (no brush marks!), not really attempting to cover it all, I wanted an older sorta look.  After I felt it was covered enough, I just buffed the edges where I had used the candle with a rag.  (that paint came right off to the original finish, without sanding down to fresh wood.
Then, I filled it up with beads, she looks so beautiful now!  (and I feel like I need to go buy more beads so that you can see them a little better)  But for now here it is.

What do you think?

P.S.  Sorry that I have been sorta absent from my blog lately.  I had an emergency family trip come up about 2 weeks ago and have been out of town for those 2 weeks, I just barely got back.  It was unplanned and I was unprepared, so my blog has suffered a little, and honestly it may take me a few weeks to catch up with projects to show you.  But I will have a ton of great guests so please keep coming by.

If any of you have any tutorials you would like to share with everyone, send me a link!  I would love to show off your work, and I could really use some help.  Also, I will be featuring more of your party projects with the help of the Mr. R.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Cinderella of course! I love that movie. And I love Gus Gus! Your jars look wonderful! What a great idea. Stopping by from Creations by Kara.

  2. >Wow, what a transformation! Looks great! I'm your newest follower. 🙂

    Thanks for joining my Flaunt it Friday party! Hope to see you back this week! 🙂

  3. >That is such a cute display! I think I'd need about 20 racks to house all my beads, but oh it's tempting just to have a few pretties on show!

  4. >Looks wonderful! What a great way to organize! If you have time, I'd love for you to come by and link up for my Friday Favorites party!

  5. >Hi, Love the way you turned an old spice rack and jars into a great display/organizational piece for your supplies. I just bought an armoire and plan on using if for all my scrapbooking and card making supplies. I have lots of ideas on how I want to do the inside of the cabinet and I think jars will be a big part of it. I'll try to post some photos when I'm done. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me today…

  6. >The jars look fantastic! I have tons of little buttons from my Grandma that I've been trying to figure out what to do with. I really like this idea!

  7. >This is so perfect!! I always see old spice racks at my local thrift shop, but never knew what to do with them…..thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  8. >AH.MAY.ZING! I would have never had thought to repurpose a spice rack in that way. I must hit my Goodwill this weekend to try to find one of my own!!!! Wow –
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Jen @ Noting Grace

  9. >I love it! It looks like a display in a STORE! So professional and adorable. Great job!

  10. >I'm adding "spice cabinet" to my list of thrift store searches now. What a brilliant idea. Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday.