On reflection…Making a Mirror

About a month ago my friend Em called me asking about remodeling.   Her husband was going out of town for the weekend, and she had HUGE plans for the master bed and bath.  She was wondering if she could do it all, and she was very hopeful.  Since she knew that Justin and I have been doing things like this for almost 8 years now, she was hoping to get an idea of time and cost.

I went over to have a look.  While the ideas were fabulous, the time was short.  So, I talked her into a few basic changes, for the moment.  She is after all, the busy mom of three and had only three days.  Instead of the huge design, we talked about painting each room, the vanity, a piece of furniture or two, adding curtains, hanging art, and accessorizing. 

One thing she really wanted to do was get rid of the huge double vanity mirror.  She was worried though about having to repair the wall.  While looking at the mirror I was immediately struck with a genius idea.  I asked for a screwdriver and climbed up on her counter top, yeah, we are that good of friends, in my defense, I wasn’t wearing shoes… I think, I could be wrong.

Anyway, I unscrewed the little mirror clip at the top of her huge bathroom mirror, and found out that it was not glued to the wall (score definitely no repair).  Once I was sure, I had to share my genius idea (that I have now been planning on using for my own similar mirror at home). 

If she removed this mirror and glued it to a sheet of OSB approx. $5.00 (cut to size at Home Depot or Lowes) with some builders adhesive approx $4.00 and then wrapped it with some molding approx $1.00 per linear foot, it could be leaned against one of the walls in her huge bedroom.  

In essence, for a total of no more that $30 dollars she could have a $300.00+ mirror not unlike these examples:

This is from Jennifer’s house at The Old Painted Cottage
Thanks Jordan for helping me remember the source!
(this black mirror is available is on sale for a cool $720.00 uh gulp!  Normally $1139.00)
Anyway, by building this framed mirror it would accomplish two things.  Give her a huge new piece for her remodel, with almost no cost and get rid of the huge mirror where she didn’t want it.  She loved the idea.  A day later, when her husband had left we came over and took down the mirror.
And, well, actually Justin ended up building the frame for them.  It was harder than it would have been at our house…  Tools are like your old friends, you know them and how to use them, where you store them and on and on.  So figuring out someone else’s system took a while.  But after a few hours we had a beautiful mirror all put together.
So here is a partial picture of the before:
Here it is with a frame in place!  Too cool.
If you would like to see it all click the whole remodel story.  I can’t wait til we get going on our master bath and I get to make my very own!!!  Stay tuned, although it may be until next summer honestly, but we have plenty to do until then!  Sigh….
Here is the tutorial for how we built the mirror:
(please excuse my rough sketches we didn’t take photos!)
ps If you don’t have a huge bathroom mirror you could try one of those old sliding closet doors!

Here is the printable instruction sheet.  Just save the image.  You may have my permission to use this for your own home projects but not on your personal blog without first contacting me.   Thank you!

You should also check out our other cool how to tutorials!
Remodelaholic is written by Cassity and Justin.  Cassity has a degree in interior design and Justin is a landscape architect, so we adore everything that makes up a HOME!  We love to share home remodeling ideas and projects we’re working on. From huge kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, there isn’t anything we won’t try to tackle (at least once!).  We are in the midst of our third whole home renovation, so there should be a lot more inspiration coming your way.  We hope that you will stop by often for home design inspiration, tutorials, interior design tips, delicious recipes and what is going on in our family life.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love floor mirrors, and was thinking about making one myself. Yours turned out fabulous, and looks great!

  2. >I love the idea of mirrors againts a wall they look wonderful… thank you for participating in our "Show Off Your Cottage Monday"… would love to see our link here too! 😉


  3. >LOVE IT! My 14yo daughter needs a mirror like this! I am going to try adn find one at the thrift store to redo! FUN!

  4. >I have actually done this in my head before!! Looks great! This may be a summer time project for me- easy, inexpensive and looks great! The only thing is I'd need to be ready with what will replace the big nasty mirror… thanks for the instructions!!

  5. >The mirror looks great – thanks for the tutorial and for linking up to Be Inspired today!


  6. >I'm just laughing at myself. I saw the floor mirror post at Things I Love Thursday…Diaper Diaries and clicked on it and it's you…always you. I swear I think I'm starting to stalk your blog! Yikds.

  7. >Looks great. It's so funny…I loved that photo from the Old Painted Cottage, but couldn't remember where I'd seen it when I went back to try to find it! I am definitely bookmarking it now.

    Thanks for sharing at My Backyard Eden!

  8. >What a wonderful, substantial piece that adds so much to a room. Thanks so much for linking up to my Under $100 party!

  9. >That is too cool! It makes me almost wish we had one of those huge mirrors. Ooh! My mom has one; maybe I could convince her to remodel!

  10. >Hi..I’m Barb ….I am from Fri. Follow.. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @ santasgiftshoppe.blogspot.com
    & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!