Our Family Room’s Great Wall of Built-ins

Okay, well, sorry I didn’t get this out there yesterday… I was crazy busy like a firefighter putting out fires all day yesterday.   Don’t you just love those days?…


For example the day included a trip to the doctor, minor visit, nothing important but of course it took over 2 hours, during nap time, with two kids.  When we got out of the doctor’s office, the entire car was SPLATTERED with bird poop… Honestly, at first when I saw it, I couldn’t figure out what it was… luckily I didn’t touch it!  I am wondering how the bird could have even done that without some sort of fan to distribute it so evenly everywhere on my dark colored car so it looks sorta like polka dots.  -Sorry, I am obviously a mom with kids in diapers – poop is a hot topic.


Okay, but really, the reason I am here is to show you the “semi” finals of the built ins.  This is what the final project looked like to when we sent it in to Houselogic the last day of September.  And promptly went on vacation, cuz we NEEDED a vacation!


But, if you saw the plan for this project, you know it is missing something!  Yes, we still had big plans, that we didn’t really get started until about a week ago.  The truth is, with all the job craziness, we were kind of thinking we would just move immediately… but hopefully that is off the table as an option now, and we can just finish this house.  Which means, that even though we may not get much of a return from this little upgrade, we decided to go ahead an finish the rest of the project…and I am SO happy we are working on it, I am SO happy about how it is coming together.


Remember this is just the *SEMI – Finals* here… it is getting a lot better before long! I mean, like one million percent better (can you tell I like what is happening?)  Here are all the pictures.


compiled family room built in wall

Here is a crazy compilation of what the wall was looking like… It is a REALLY long wall, and I don’t have any cool lenses to get it all in one shot!


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Okay, I know I need to decorate the mantel, but otherwise, I feel like the design of the built-ins works.  I love the toy storage under the window seat.  I love the built in entertainment center part, for all components and movies.  We have plenty of room for games, and holiday décor… it is really coming along!

In case you didn’t see them here are the rest of the posts

Post 1 – The plan

Post 2 – Starting to build

Post 3 Finishing up the built ins,


…..and what is to come… well here is a picture of the plan from before… can you see what is missing?  (well there are a few things but there is a little more “building” to do… I will show you the plan a.s.a.p.!)

Family Room Elevation

Now that you’ve seen most of the finished product what do you think?  If you like it pin it for me!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. hi Cassity! Your built-ins are gorgeous! Love them. I do have a suggestion: it all looked unfinished to me at first glance, and I couldn’t figure out why, until it hit me: the windows! All the built-ins and the mantle are so well trimmed out, and you have window sills, but… the rest of the windows are underdressed. Unless you plan to hang curtains/drapes, I think you should wood wrap the sides and top of your windows. Then they’ll match all the rest of the gorgeousness going on in that room!

    1. Erica, They will have valances, but because of the next thing we are building there isn’t really room for casings without it being too much… you will see very soon I promise! hang in there with me!


  2. So beautiful! I did some built ins in our front entry/dining room when we first moved in and sort of just threw it together. Yours is so well thought out. It makes me want to redo mine…

  3. AMAZING! We’re working on our built in in our living room right now also and I’m praying and crossing my fingers that ours turns out as fabulously as yours. GREAT WORK!

  4. Cassity, I just love, love this wall. You guys created such a great focal point and use of dead space in this room. My favorite picture though is the one where the baby is in the bijorn {is that what they are called?} while you painted {previous post}. That was just classic and sweet. I know you struggle with getting things done with the two little ones, but honestly, you and your husband get more done in a year than most people get done in a life time. It all looks beautiful!

    1. Stephaine! Thank you for such a thoughtful response! It really just made my morning, sometimes a girl just needs some support, and blogs can really help in that way! so THANK you!

  5. I love all of this!! What a great mind. I have such a hard time putting ideas on to paper. Where did you get your locks from? I’ve been looking all over for something similar.